
Friday, August 31, 2012

Feature Friday: Gabby

Hey guys! I am still away and will be back in 1 day. Anyway it is Feature Friday time! This week I ask my friend and blog buddy if she would like to this week’s person. Of course she said yes! So this week is………Gabby! You may know her as from a few things, her formspring (LunaScarlett), her youtube ( , her blog ( and/or her listography ( You all need to go check out her stuff. They are amazing. So let’s get started in the interview.

Me: How did you get into baby names?
Gabby: I first got into baby names when I was around 6 or 7.  I began my (large) collection of stuffed animals and named them all (I had Blake, Brownie, Isabella, Jake, Isabella II...).  From there, it blossomed and I saw different names (mainly all 90s names) through school and my neighborhood.  Of course finding Formspring and name websites just made my hobby of collecting names an complete obsession.

Me: Love the picture! How old were you when you first started liking baby names?
Gabby: I was about 6 or 7 when I was interested but about 10 when the obsession started to come upon me.

Me: I was about the same way! What are your current favorite baby names?
Gabby: For girls, my top 5 are Aurora Jane, Luna Scarlett, Bellatrix Harper, Liviana Moon, and Freya Persephone.  For boys, my top 5 are Carlisle Jason, Jacoby Dallas, Draco Elijah, Lucius Avery, and Rowan Zackary.

Me: I love your names. If you remember, what were your first favorite baby names?
Gabby: My favorite names were Isabella Marie and Jacob Andrew between the ages of 6 and 9.  And then progressively became more...out there.

Me: My favorite name use to be Isabella too. Why did you decide to start making videos, blogging, and join formspring?
Gabby: I decided to make videos as soon as I got my laptop in '08 and have been addicted ever since.  I joined forming in November of 2010 just out of curiosity and not for name reasons.  I got bullied by anons and so I decided to try to vie away from that and look for people interested in names.  I think the first person to ask me a question was either Amelia (EverthingNames) or Krystal (thefarmerswife) but I'm not sure so don't trust me on that.  You actually inspired to get a blog because I felt that I had so many ideas for YT videos but didn't have time to record them so I just put them in blog posts. :)

Me: I'm so glad my blog has inspired you! What has been the most fun about making videos, blogging, and formspring?
Gabby: I can share my complete nerdiness for names because none of my friends are really that interested in names.

Me: I agree! What has been your favorite video, blog, and/or formspring question (rename, collages, etc.)  you have done?
Gabby: I love naming kids with initials or with certain guidelines.  Example, Nature first names and virtue MNs.  I love watching pregnancy videos on YT.  My current obsession is Rebe and TweedleTee10.

Me: They are so fun. Are you working on any blog post, videos, or listography list?
Gabby: oh boy yes!! Currently I'm working on my Batman movie review for my other Blog, my NFL baby name series for my name blog, I'm trying to gather more names for the ABC names (I'm on G), and I'm making a list to try to figure out character names for my HP fanfiction and novel and a list for girl first names to go with the MN Blue b/c I absolutely adore Blue on a girl.  Ya I think I have the rest of my summer cut out for me. Lol

Me: Wow! That is a lot. What do you love about baby names?
Gabby: I just love finding meaning behind things.  Plus it's really fun coming up with names for my HP fanfic and my novel because I do something called the "Rowling approach" where I go onto translator websites and type in a phrase i'd like to use and stem a name from that.  Or I find names that create a phrase (Juliet(te) Angela=Youhtful Angel...).  A great example of the Rowling approach is the main character in my novel.  Her name is Mauve Tirpse which comes from the French phrase "mauvais esprit" which means "bad spirit".  Ya I have way too much time on my hands.

Me: I love how you come up with names for your characters. What types of baby names to do like (ex. Trendy, vintage, etc.)?
Gabby: OMG I honestly don't have a set style.  I like all types of names.  As long as the name looks and sounds nice, I like it.  I'm guilty, though for being in love with all of the -ayden/-aiden/-aidan names.

Me: I'm the same way! When did you tell your friends and family about your love to baby names?
Gabby: The only 2 people in my family that know I like names are my mom and grandma but I think my dad is catching on.  A couple of my friends know and that's it.  All of them think it's weird.

Me: How can they think it's weird! How did/do your family and friends react to your love for baby names?
Gabby: Again everyone gave me looks like "Really?! Out of ALLL of the things in the world to be interested in, you chose baby names?" Of course I could care less.  Now they don't care at all.  They just think I'm a walking weirdo.

Me: awww They are very wrong! On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your love/addiction/obsession for baby names?
Gabby: like 500000000.  It's insane.  My obsession with names is almost as big as my obsession with Harry Potter.

Me: That is very high but very true ;P What is the reason behind your formspring, youtube, and blog name?
Gabby: Formspring: My top combo, Aurora Jane, was taken as a name (in any form AuroraJane, Aurora_Jane...) so I resorted to my second favorite combo Luna Scarlett (stylized as LunaScarlett) for my username
Youtube: I made a YT account long before I started doing videos.  My name is hpfreak54.  hpfreak is clearly for Harry Potter and 54 is my grandpa's birthday (5/13) added up by month and date.  If that makes any sense.

Blog: The opinions one (notafraid2say) was put together from help by fellow Formspringers when I put out a poll as to which name to pick and this won.  My name one (gabbymacsnameblog)--I tried to keep it simple because I was bored so I made it and didn't want to put much thought into it.

Me: I like how you came up with the names. That makes sense. Do you have a favorite baby namer (YouTube, blog, formspring, etc.)?
Gabby: I loveeeee AnastasiaRuby on YT.  She always picks really cute names.  Oh I also love Bayli both on FS and YT (AvenueAsher and Bbumen)

Me: I love them too. Do you have a #1 fan on your videos, formspring, and/or blog or someone who you talk to a lot because of them?
Gabby: I don't think I do lol.  But if I talk to anyone a lot on FS it has to be Kara (DearMissKara) and Margo (xSleazy4Weasley) if that's what you mean :)

Me: What inspired you to make a blog, formspring, listography, and videos besides baby names?
Gabby: I got an FS just outta curiosity with no real intent on using it for baby names.  My listography is basically strictly for organizing names.  My blog is for fun series and names.

Me: We are down to our last 5 questions! Where do you find your baby names at?

Me: I like all of those places. Do you know anyone in real life that has a formspring, youtube, and/or blog?
Gabby: I know PrincessJulia37 on FS/RapunzelNames on YT in real life

Me: That's so cool that you know someone in real life! Random fact about you?
Gabby: Random fact....hmm.... I'm obsessed with playing online Bingo

Me: haha :) What did you think of this interview?
Gabby: I absolutely LOVE it!! Love you Ren!

Me: aww thanks. Love you too! Is there anything else you would like to add?
Gabby: I love all of my followers and viewers and I'm always here for you to talk.

Me: awww Thanks again for doing the interview.
Gabby: anytime Ren

So that was the interview. I had so much fun doing this interview and all of the other ones. Go check out Gabby’s youtube, blog, formspring, and listography. Comment below and tell me what you though. Bye for now :). 

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Surfer Names

Hey guys! I have another summer themed blog post for you today. This time it is going to be on surfer names. I have 10 girl and 10 boy names for you. So let’s get started.

  1. Sage- This name is for Sage Erickson. Sage means herb or prophet in English.
  2. Erica- This name is for Erica Hosseini. Erica means always ruler in English.
  3. Layne- This name is for Layne Beachley (haha). Layne means dweller by the road in English.
  4. Silvana- This name is for Silvana Lima. Silvana means forest in Latin.
  5. Rosanne- This name is for Rosanne Hodge. Rosanne means gracious rose in Latin.
  6. Paige- This name is for Paige Hareb. Paige means assistant in English.
  7. Coco- This name is for Coco ho. Coco means chocolate bean in American.
  8. Maya- this name is for Maya Gaberira. Maya means form of May or Maia in English.
  9. Stephanie- This name is for Stephanie Gilmore. Stephanie means crown in French.
  10. Monyca- This name is for Monyca Bryne Wickey. Monyca means advisor in Latin.

  1. Laird- This name is for Laird Hamilton. Laird means Lord in Scottish.
  2. Dane- This name is for Dane Reynolds. Dane means God is my judge or from Denmark in Scandanivan.
  3. Kelly- This name is for Kelly Slater. Kelly means bright-headed in Irish.
  4. Taj- This name is for Taj Burrow. Taj means crown in Arabic.
  5. Sunny- This name is for Sunny Garcia. Sunny means sunny in English.
  6. Clyde- This name is for Clyde Aikau. Clyde means Scottish river name in Scottish.
  7. Adriano- This name is for Adriano de Souza. Adriano means person from Hadria (Northern Italy) in Spanish.
  8. Bede- This name is for Bede Durbidge. Bede means saint of scholars in English.
  9. Mick- This name is for Mick Flanning. Mick means who is like God? In English.
  10. Simon- This name is for Simon Anderson. Simon means to be heard in Hebrew.

So that is my list. I hope you liked it. I will be home in a couple of days and I’m not sure if I will be posting right away. Don’t forget to comment and tell me what you thought. Bye for now :). 

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Formspring's Favorite Names

Hey Guys! I am still on vacation but I do have a blog post for you. This post is about my favorite names that are formspringer’s favorite names. I ask people on formspring to give me their favorite names and now I am going to tell you which names I liked from each person. I did get just first names and then I got some combos but I will only be telling you the first names that I liked. Also some names were repeated by different people and if I liked them I would just talk about them under the person who said it first. This idea came from Kinley ( She also has blog ( and is going to do this post. As of right now she hasn’t put the post up yet but when she does I will link the post. So let’s get started.

Arlo and Juliet
I love the name Arlo and the only time I hear it is when she talks about it. Juliet is such a cute and girly name that I can see aging nicely. I do prefer Juliet spelled Juliette.

Matilda, Alice and Florence and Theodore, Ezra and Jude
Matilda is a great name and has been a favorite of mine for some time now. It has also been my favorite movie almost my whole life. Alice is such a sweet name and I love it. Florence is a new love of mine. I like how old ladyish it sounds.
Theodore is my favorite boy name right now. I just love it. Ezra has just started to grow on me. I use to hate the name but now I really love it. Jude is one of my top middle names. I also like it as a first name.

Fallyn and Tobin
I have always liked the name Fallyn and have just started to like that spelling. Tobin is a new name to me. I have known about the name Tobias but Tobin is so much nicer to me.

Adelie, and Rosella, and Asher and Rowan.
Adelie is such a cute name. I really love all of the Add- names. Rosella is a new name to me. I have heard her ask question about it before but now I love it.
Asher was one of my top names a couple of years ago and I still like it. Rowan is a name that I find to be very nice and cool.

Coralie, Talulah, January, Weston and Archer
Coralie is such a cute name and I really love it. Talulah is a favorite of mine and has some meaning behind it for me. January is a gp name and I am glad is loves it and is using it as a first name.
I love the nickname West and Weston is so much better than Wesley. Archer is a name I don’t hear very often and I like to hear it.

Bayli (AvenueAsher)
Clara and Celeste and Atlas and Simon
I love the name Clara. It is so sweet and it reminds me of a polite little girl. Celeste is a cool and spunky name that on really uses.
Atlas is in my top 10! I hardly ever see someone liking this name and I am glad she does. Simon is one of my favorite s names for boys. I like the sound of it.

Kaitlyn (Kaitlyn94Marie)
Avia and Declan
I love the name Avia and all of the other Av- names. Declan is so cute and I once know a boy named Declan. Avia and Declan make a great sibset too.

Gemma and Blair and Atticus and Walker
Gemma is such a great name. I love it and can see her naming her baby Gemma. Blair is a spunky cool name that I can see on a popular girl.
Atticus is in my top 20 and I wish more people used it. Walker reminds me of cowboys for some reason haha :). I still love it though.

Dayton (DaytonsNames)
Price and Sebastian and Poet and Ever
I love her naming style. Price is such a great name and I first heard it from her. Sebastian is a nice long name. I tried to get my brother to use it as his conformation name. I really like it.
Poet is a gp name for me. I just love the sound of it. Ever is one of my favorite 1 syllable names for girls.

Lyndsey (LNR87)
Isabella and Hendrix, Kendrick and Kipp
Isabella was one of the first baby names that I ever liked. I still like it. I love names with x in them and Hendrix is one of them. It is another name that I find spunky. There was a player on the Phillies with the last name Kendrick and when I first heard it I was like how cool is that name!

Saki (SakiHeart)
Averell, Circe, Skylark, Roanna, and December, and Storm, Emrys, and Falcon
I love Av- naems and Averell is one of them. It is such a cool name that you never hear and like that. Circe sounds so cool. Saki is the first time I heard it and I have really liked it since. Skylard is cool and I like how you can get Sky as a nickname without using Skylar. Roanna is an amazing name. I like the ro sounds and how it ends in anna. December is a gp for me and I love how she had it as a first name.
Storm is one of my favorite nature names. It is something I would love to hear on a little boy. Emrys is a name that I have really started to like over the last couple of days. I really like how it sounds. I love the name Falcon and for me it is an honoring name.

Alena (alenajingle)
Theron and Keturah
I love the way Theron sounds. I think it could be up there with the popular names. Ther is a great nickname. Katurah is one of my favorite k names. I like how exotic it sounds. It has a little edge to it.

Megan (xNutMegx56)
Maxim, Garrett and Darcy
Maxim is a great name. You can use the nickname Max but still have the cool edgy sound of Maxim. Garrett is common favorite name of mine. I love the nickname Rhett.

Nell, Clementine and Warren
Nell is a great name. I prefer it as a nickname other than a first name but it is still great. I like Clementine is a very cute name. I like how long it is and how not many people use it. Warren is a great name, although it makes me think of Legally Blondes.

Stevie (lepetitviolet)
Violet and Callum
Violet is such a sweet name and I can see it on all ages. I do think of the Charlie and Chocolate Factory and when they say “Violet your turning Violet!”  when I hear this name. Callum is a very nice name. I really like it and can’t wait to meet a baby named this ;P.

Blake, Isla and Dahlia
Blake is a name that I picture on a popular boy, one that has all the friends and is cool. I really like it but it is being used for girls more. Isla is probably one of my favorite I names. It sounds so cool and makes me think of movie stars. Dahlia is so cool. I really like it and it is a little better than Delilah.

Hugo, Apollo, Hazel, Athena, and Ophelia
Hugo is in my top 10. I love it and prefer it over Hugh. Apollo is in my top 20 and I love the grand feel it has. It is such a strong name too. Hazel is one of the names I hate almost my whole life. I now love it and actually like seeing it. Athena is my number 1 girl name. I love it so much. Ophelia is in my top 10. I really like it but it has been going down on my list because pronouncing it is a little hard for me for some reason. I still really love the name.

Gabby (LunaScarlett)
Aurora, Liviana, Bellatrix, Nerissa, Jacoby, Draco, and Nolan
I love the name Aurora. I remember hearing it and falling in love. Aurora suits Gabby so well. Liviana is one of my favorite L names. It is so pretty and feminine. Bellatrix is an awesome name! I love that it ends in an x. Nerissa is so cool and exotic to me. I just love it.
Jacoby is so cool sounding. I love it as an alternative to Jacob. I love Draco! I hate the name Drake though which is kind of strange. This is another name that suits Gabby so well. Nolan has been a favorite of my for a couple of years on. I really like the sound of it and can picture it on a cool, popular boy.

Cheridel (cheridel)
Lyric and Cody
I love the name Lyric. It sounds so pretty and kind of nature-y. I just love saying it. Cody is something that has been growing on me lately. I use to not like it but no I really do. It's a nice name. 

So that is all of the names and people. I had fun looking at everyone’s names and finding names that I liked out of them. I hope you liked this post and don’t forget to comment and tell me what you thought. Thanks to all of the people who gave me their names. Bye for now :). 

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Conjoined Twin Names

Hey Guys! I have another post for today and it is about conjoined twins! Tonight is the premiere of the TLC Show Abby and Brittany. It starts at 9:00 p.m. I probably won’t be watching it. It really all depends on what I have plan for tonight. I have 5 sets of twins and their names. So let’s get started.

Abigail and Brittany Hensel
Abigail means joy of the father in Hebrew and Brittany means from Britain in English.

Kendra and Maliyah Herrin
Kendra means water baby, magical in English and Maliyah is a form of Mary in American.

Ronnie and Donnie Galyon
Ronnie is a form of Ronald, which means counsel ruler and Donnie is a form of Donald, which means world leader in Scottish.

Anastasia and Tatianna Dogaru
Anastasia means resurrection in Greek and Tatianna means Roman surname in Russian.

Jade and Erin Buckles
Jade means green gemstone in English and Erin means Ireland in Irish.

So that is the list of twin names. I only have one set of twin boys but the rest were girls. I hope you liked it and don’t forget to comment. Bye for now :). 

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This or That

Hey guys! Everyone on formspring was asking people to give them this or that’s and they would make a video about it. I am doing the same thing only I am making a post about it. I will tell you who they are from and links to their formspring and stuff. I got so names so let’s get started.

These ones are from Saki (SakiHeart)

Aten [ah-TEHN] or Nefertari [nehf-er-TAHR-ee]: Aten I like both but Aten is short and sweet.
Circe [SUR-see] or Skylark: Circe I loved both and it was hard to pick!
Cleo or Isla: Isla This one was also hard to pick because I loved both!
Aria or Maya [MYE-ǝ]: Aria although Maya is cute too
Winry or Winter: Wintry I like it because it is unusual
Tanwen [TĂN-wǝn] or Guinevere: Tanwen I love –wen names.

Declan or Leonardo: Leonardo I loved both of these names equal and it was so hard to pick!
Caleb or Caspian: Caleb Another hard one! I love both equally!
Emery (b) or Emrys [EHM-rihs]: Emrys I really like this name. It is cute.
Finnegan or Hunter: Finnegan Love, love, love this name!
Zephaniah [zeph-ǝ-NYE-ǝ] or Hezekiah [heh-zeh-KYE-ǝ]: Hezekiah I like Hezekiah and don’t really like Zephaniah
Lev or Dex: Dex Love Dex and names with x in them

These ones are from Katie (AvonleaGrace)

Vera or Veda: Veda I had a hard time picking because I love both names equally.
Lily or Rose: Lily I really love both names but I picked Lily because I like it just a very tiny bit more.
Tatiana or Tristana: Tristana I really like this name and this is my first time hearing it.
Marley or Molly: Molly I had such a hard time picking because I love both
Clara or Cara: Clara This is one for my favorite names

Dane or Dean: Dean I have a cousin named Dean and I am kind of mad I can’t use this name
Odin or Owen: Odin I love both but Odin isn’t as popular as Owen
Finley or Finnegan: Finnegan I love this name
Sebastian or Soren: Sebastian I really like this name and tried to get my brother to use it as his Conformation name
Falcon or Fallon: Falcon I prefer Fallon on a girl and Falcon is kind of honoring is a way for me.

These names are from Hannah (hannahthenamer)

Delilah or Carly: Delilah I like this name with the nickname Lila
Victor or Valentina: Valentina I don’t really care for Victor
Kerensa or Rhiannon: Kerensa I love K names and this is such a nice name
Haven or April: Haven I like this name and April reminds me of Teen Mom
Nia or Summer: Summer I love the name Summer

ALL of these names are from Lyndsey (LNR87)

Saber vs Sable: Sable I like this because it is short and sweet  
Annabell vs Isabella vs Arabella: Arabella I love all three names and picked Arabella because I love the nickname Ari
Ashley vs Ashlyn: Ashley It’s my middle name
Easton vs Emma: Easton I really like this one a boy and it is less popular than Emma  
Kadence vs Kaydence / Cadence vs Caydence: Kaydence and Cadence although overall I like the k spelling
Amber vs Amberly: Amberly I like Amberly but hate Amber
Rayne vs Skye: Skye I love this as a middle name
Rain vs Rayne: Rayne because the other one makes me think of the weather
Elena vs Ellery: Ellery I love both but prefer Elena spelled Alena
Estelle vs Stella: Stella This is such a pretty name
Fiona vs Florence: Florence I love this name with the nickname Flo or Flora
Florence vs Flo: Florence with the nickname Flo
Gabriella vs Gabrielle : Gabrielle I think Gabriella is too long
Lennon vs Lennox: Lennox I like it because it has an x in it. I also like both names on a boy or girl
Lorelei vs Rory vs Lori: Lorelei I like this name with the nickname Rory
Lyndon vs Landon vs London: Landon I have this as a middle name for Theodore
Nala vs Nahla : Nahla I like the h one better
Rose vs Rosemary: Rosemary with the nickname Rose
Remy vs Romy: Romy as a nickname
Vanessa vs Victoria: Vanessa although I like both equally
AJ vs Alexzander: Alexzander maybe with the nickname AJ
Alexander vs Alexzander: Alexander I don’t like the z in it
Hendrix vs Kendrick: Hendrix Love both but I said Hendrix because it has an x in it
Kipp vs Jayden: Kipp I don’t like Jayden at all
Coal vs Cole: Cole It looks more like a name
Falcon vs Finley: Finley Although it is becoming more popular on a girl
Miles vs Niles: Miles I like both though
Nabil vs Noel: Noel I liked both equally
Ethan vs Evan: Evan I like this as a nickname for Evander
Joseph vs Joe vs Joey vs Joel: Joel It sounds more modern than the others
Kristopher vs Christopher: Christopher This is one time I don’t like k names
Oliver vs Olive vs Olivia vs Liv: Olive I love this as a nickname for Olivette
Rafferty vs Ezra: Ezra I have just started liking this name
Storm vs Sky: Storm I loved both but picked Storm because I would use it as a first name but I wouldn’t use Sky as a first name
Maris vs Matteo: Maris I loved both names though
Matthew vs Matteo: Matteo I love this name and know a little boy named this
Charles vs Charlie vs Charz: Charles This is my dad’s name
Annabell vs Annalise: Annalise I like this name but prefer it spelled Anneliese
Beatrix vs Beatrice vs Bellatrix: Beatrix I love all of the names
Bethany vs Beth: Bethany with the nickname Beth
Carly vs Clara vs Clary: Clara I love this name
Ella vs Ellie: Ella This is my cousin’s name
Emma vs Essery: Essery I really like this name and this is the first time I have heard it
Josephine vs Josephina: Josephine I love this name
Julia vs Juliet vs Juilette: Juliette I love this spelling
Ottilie vs Odette: Ottilie I loved both!
Zeppelin vs Zepplyn: Zepplyn on a girl

Sebastian as a first or middle name or not at all? First although I do like it as a middle
Cornelius as a first or middle name or not at all? Middle although it is okay as a first

These are from Rachel (racheleih)
Arlo or Asa: Arlo I love this name
Miller or Milo: Milo I kind of like Miller on a girl
Norah or Noah: Noah because I don’t like Nora with an h
Jack or Jackson: Jack because it sounds nicer
Harry or Harrison: Harrison This is in my top 10
Jacqueline or Josephine: Josephine I love this as a middle name
Isla or India: Isla I loved both!
Paloma or Valentina: Valentina I really like this name
Matthew or Matteo: Matteo I love the name Matteo

And the last ones are from Jessica (AliceDownUnder)

Avril or Ava:  Ava because Avril makes me think of the singer
Paloma or Everleigh: Everleigh because I don't really like Paloma 
Jemma or Jemima: Jemma because Jemima makes me think of the syrup
Jemma or Gemma: Gemma because I don't like the j spelling
Jessica or Genvieve: Jessica I loved both equally so it was hard to pick
Maya or Milena: Milena I like the sound of it better
Tarrik or Tariq: Tarrik I like the k better
Elijah or Richard: Elijah becasue Richard sounds old to me
April or Mae: Mae because April makes me think of Teen Mom
Kara or Catherine: Kara I would have picked Catherine had it been spelled with a k
Felicia or Felicity: Felicity because I'm not a fan of Felicia

So that was all the names I got. I hope you liked it and if you have any questions as to why I picked those names leave a comment below. Bye for now :).

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Summer Themed Book Names

Hey guys! I have another summer/beach themed post for you. This time it is going to be names from summer themed books. I only have 7 books for you today but they are all good books that I have read. So let’s get started.

Twenty Boy Summer by Sarah Oakler
  1. Anna- This name is for Anna (no last name). Anna means gracious, merciful in Hebrew.
  2. Frankie- This name is for Frankie (no last name). Frankie means French in Latin. She is a girl.
  3. Matt- This name is for Matt (no last name). Matt means gift of God in English.

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han
  1. Isabel- This name is for Isabel “Belly” Conklin. Isabel means God is my oath in Spanish.
  2. Conrad- This name is for Conrad Fisher. Conrad means bold counsel in English.
  3. Jeremiah- This name is for Jeremiah Fisher. Jeremiah means God will up lift up in Hebrew.
  4. Susannah- This name is for Susannah “Beck” Fisher. Susannah means lily in Hebrew.
  5. Laurel- This name is for Laurel Conklin. Laurel means Laurel in English.
  6. Steven- This name is for Steven Conklin. Steven means crown in Greek.
  7. Cameron- This name is for Cam Cameron. Cameron means bent nose in Scottish.

That Summer by Sarah Dessen
  1. Haven- This name is for Haven McPhail. Haven means safe place in English.
  2. Mac- This name is for Mac MacPhail. Mac means son in Scottish.
  3. Ashley- This name is for Ashley McPhail. Ashley means from the ash tree field in English.
  4. Sumner- This name is for Sumner Lee. Sumner means summoner in Latin.
  5. Casey- This name is for Casey Melvin. Casey means vigilant in war in Irish. She is a girl.

Beach Blondes by Katherine Applegate
  1. Summer- This name is for Summer Smith. Summer means summer in English.
  2. Adam- This name is for Adam (no last name). Adam means man, of the earth in Hebrew.
  3. Diver- This name is for Diver (no last name). Diver is a Dutch name.
  4. Seth- This name is for Seth (no last name). Seth means appointed in Hebrew.

Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson
  1. Leeda- This name is for Leeda Cawley-Smith. Leeda means glory in Afghan.
  2. Murphy- This name is for Murphy McGowen. Murphy means descendant of sea warrior in Irish. She is a girl.
  3. Birdie- This name is for Birdie Darlington. Birdie means bright; famous; little bird in English.

Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt
  1. Courtney- This name is for Courtney McSweeney. Courtney means a French Dynasty name in English.
  2. Jordan- This name is for Jordan Richman. Jordan means to flow down in Hebrew. He is a boy.

Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
  1. Auden- This name is for Auden Penelope West. Auden means half Danish in English.
  2. Eli- This name is for Eli Joseph Stock. Eli means height in Hebrew.
  3. Hollis- This name is for Hollis West. Hollis means near the Holly in English. He is a boy.
  4. Maggie- This is for Maggie (no last name). Maggie means pearl in English.
  5. Robert- This name is for Robert West. Robert means bright fame in English.
  6. Heidi- This is for Heidi West. Heidi means of noble kin in German.
  7. Thisbe- This name is for Thisbe “Isby” Caroline West. Thisbe means Lover in Greek.

So that is all of the books and names I have for you. I have read all of these books and they were all great. I hope you like them and don’t forget to comment. Bye for now :). 

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer Themed Movie Names

Hey guys! I have another summer/beach themed post for you today. I am away on my second day at the beach. This post is going to be names from summer themed movies. I have seen all of these movies and really love them. I tried to pick names if the main/most important characters. So let’s get started.

The Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants
  1. Tibby- This name is for Tabitha “Tibby” Tomko-Rollins. Tibby means the river Tiber in Latin.
  2. Lena- This name is for Lena Kaligaris. Lena means woman of Magdala in Latin.
  3. Carmen- This name is for Carmen Lowell. Carmen means poem in Latin.
  4. Bridget- This name is for Bridget Vreeland. Bridget means exulted, lofty in Irish.
  5. Bailey- This Name is for Bailey Graffman. Bailey means bailiff, steward in English.
  6. Kostos- This name is for Kostos (no last name). Kostos means steadfast, constant in Latin.
  7. Eric- This name is for Eric (no last name). Eric means always ruler in Scandinavian.
  8. Lydia- This name is for Lydia Rodman. Lydia means from Lydia, Greece in Greek.

The Parent Trap
  1. Hallie- This name is for Hallie Parker. Hallie means praise the lord in English.
  2. Annie- This name is for Annie James. Annie means gracious, merciful in English.
  3. Nick- This name is for Nick Parker. Nick means victory of the people in Greek.
  4. Elizabeth- This name is for Elizabeth James. Elizabeth means God is my oath in Hebrew.
  5. Meredith- This name is for Meredith Blake. Meredith means Lord in Welsh.
  6. Martin- This name is for Martin (no last name). Martin means servant of Mars, God of war in Latin.
  7. Chessy- This name is for Chessy (no last name). Chessy means at peace in Slavic.

My Girl
  1. Vada- This name is for Vada Sultenfuss. Vada means famous ruler in German.
  2. Thomas- This name is for Thomas Sennett. Thomas means a twin in Greek.
  3. Harry- This name is for Harry Sultenfuss. Harry means Army Ruler in English.
  4. Shelly- This name is for Shelly DeVoto. Shelly means from the sloping field in English.

The Last Song
  1. Ronnie- This name is for Ronnie Miller. Ronnie is Diminutive Form of Ronald or Veronica in English.
  2. Will- This name is for Will Blakelee. Will means strong-willed warrior in English.
  3. Steve- This name is for Steve Miller. Steve is a short form of Stephen in English.
  4. Jonah- This name is for Jonah Miller. Jonah means a dove in Hebrew.
  5. Marcus- This name is for Marcus (no last name). Marcus means warlike in Latin.
  6. Galadriel- This name is for Galadriel (no last name). Galadriel means Maiden crowned by a radiant garland.

The National Lampoon’s Vacation
  1. Clark- This name is for Clark Griswold. Clark means clerk in English.
  2. Audrey- This name is for Audrey Griswold.  Audrey means noble strength in English.
  3. Ellen- This name is for Ellen Griswold. Ellen means light in Greek.
  4. Rusty- This name is for Russell “Rusty” Griswold. Rusty means red-headed in American.
  5. Edna- This name is for Aunt Edna. Edna means delicacy, tenderness in Hebrew.
  6. Roy- This name is for Roy Walley. Roy means red in Scottish.

Cheaper By the Dozen 2
  1. Tom- This name is for Tom Baker. Tom is a short form of Thomas in Greek.
  2. Kate- This name is for Kate Baker. Kate means pure in English.
  3. Lorraine- This name is for Lorraine Baker. Lorraine means from Lorraine, France in French.
  4. Charlie- This name is for Charlie Baker. Charlie means free man in English.
  5. Nora- This name is for Nora Baker-McNutly. Nora means honor in English.
  6. Sarah- This name is for Sarah Baker. Sarah means princess in Hebrew.
  7. Jake- This name is for Jake Baker. Jake means supplanter in Hebrew.
  8. Henry- This name is for Henry Baker. Henry means ruler of the home in German.
  9. Mark- This name is for Mark Baker. Mark means warlike in Latin.
  10. Jessica- This name is for Jessica Baker. Jessica means God beholds in Hebrew.
  11. Kim- This name is for Kim Baker. Kim is a short form of Kimberly or Kimball in English.
  12. Nigel- This name is for Nigel Baker. Nigel means champion or black in English.
  13. Kyle- This name is for Kyle Baker. Kyle means narrow in Scottish.
  14. Mike- This name is for Mike Baker. Mike means who is like God? In English.
  15. Becky- This name is for Becky Murtaugh. Becky is a diminutive form of Rebecca.
  16. Sarina- This name is for Sarina Murtaugh. Sarina means princess, one who laughs in Hebrew.
  17. Eliot- This name is for Eliot Murtaugh. Eliot means the Lord is my God in English.

Soul Surfer
  1. Bethany- This name is for Bethany Hamilton. Bethany means place of Figs – town near Jerusalem in English.
  2. Alana- This name is for Alana Blanchard. Alana means little rock in American.
  3. Cheri- This name is for Cheri Hamilton. Cheri means dear in French.
  4. Tom- This name is for Tom Hamilton. Tom is a short form of Thomas in Greek.
  5. Holt- This name is for Holt Blanchard. Holt means wood in English.
  6. Noah- This name is for Noah Hamilton. Noah means rest, peace in Hebrew.
  7. Timmy- This name is for Timmy Hamilton. Timmy is a diminutive form of Timothy in English.

The Sandlot
  1. Scotty- This name is for Scotty smalls. Scotty means of Scottish origin in English.
  2. Benny- This name is for Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez. Benny means son of my right hand in Hebrew.
  3. Ham- This name is for Hamilton “Ham” Porter. Ham means hot in Hebrew.
  4. Michael- This name is for Michael “Squints” Palledorous. Michael means Who is like God? In Hebrew.
  5. Alan- This name is for Alan “Yeah-Yeah” McClennan. Alan means little rock in English.
  6. Kenny- This name is for Kenny DeNunez. Kenny means handsome in Scottish.
  7. Bertram- This name is for Bertram Grover Weeks. Bertram means bright, famous raven in French.
  8. Wendy- This name is for Wendy Peffercorn. Wendy means friend in English.

The Gonnies
  1. Andy- This name is for Andrea "Andy" Carmichael. Andy means manly in English.
  2. Mikey- This name is for Michael "Mikey" Walsh. Mikey means Who is like God? In Hebrew.
  3. Brand- This name is for Brandon “Brand” Welsh. Brand means sword in English.
  4. Richard- This name is for Richard "Data" Wang. Richard means brave ruler in English.
  5. Lawrence- This name is for Lawrence “Chunk” Cohen. Lawrence means laurel in English.
  6. Stefanie- This name is for Stephanie "Stef" Steinbrenner. Stefanie means crown in German.

Dolphin Tale
  1. Hazel- This name is for Hazel Haskett. Hazel means the Hazel tree in English.
  2. Sawyer- This name is for Sawyer Nelson. Sawyer means woodcutter in English.
  3. Clay- This name is for Dr. Clay Haskett. Clay means mortal in English.
  4. Lorraine- This name is for Lorraine Nelson. Lorraine means from Lorraine, France in French.
  5. Reed- This name is for Reed Haskett. Reed means a reed or red-haired in English.
  6. Gloria- This name is for Gloria Forrest. Gloria means glory in Latin.

So that is my list. I hope you liked it and you are enjoying the rest of your summer/beginning of school. Leave a comment below and tell me what you think. Bye for now :). 

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Summer and Beach Themed Names

Hey guys! I am away on vacation this week and I thought it would be fun to plan my post around the theme summer and beaches. So I have some summer/beach themed names for you. I have 10 girls and 10 boy names. The reason behind the summer posts is because I want to guys to feel like you are down on the beach with my too! So let’s get started.

  1. Sandy- This is a greek name that is a pet form of Alexandra. Sandy is on the list because beaches are sandy.
  2. Shelly- This is an Enlgish name that means from the sloping field. I put this name on the list because you get shells at the beach.
  3. Coral- This is an englsih name that means reef formation. Coral is a very summery name to me.
  4. Ocean- This is a Greek name that means sea. I had to put Ocean because I will be in the ocean at lot.
  5. Sailor- This is an American name that means boat man. I love this name! Sailors are very summery people.
  6. Suma- This is an English name that means born in summer. This is great for a baby born in summer.
  7. Pearl- This is an English name that means smooth, round, bead formed by a mollusk. Pearls are in calms that are in the ocean.
  8. Marina- This is a Latin name that means of the Sea. I don’t even have to know the meaning to know it is a summery name.
  9. June- This is a Latin name the means born in June. I love this name! June is also a summer month.
  10. Summer- This is an English name that means summer. This list wouldn’t be complete without the name summer!

  1. Theros- This is a Greek name that means summer. You could give this to a baby born in summer and no one would know why!
  2. Tanner- This is a German name that means leather worker. You get Tanner in the summer don’t you?!
  3. Beacher- This is an English name that means near the beech trees. I just had to put this in the list!
  4. August- This is an English name that means great. August is also a summer month.
  5. Kai- This is a Hawaiian name that means Ocean. Another name that I don’t have to know the meaning of to know that it is a summery name.
  6. Storm- This is an American name that means a storm. We have had a lot of storms this summer where I am.
  7. Seaton- This is an English name that means town near the sea. I really like this name and it was the first time I heard it.
  8. Dylan- This is a Welsh name that means son of the sea. I like Dylan on a boy but son people like it on a girl.
  9. Julio- This is a Spanish name that is a form of Julius, which means youthful, downy-beard. This name is on the list because it is a form of the name July.
  10. Tide- This is a nature name. I put Tide on the list because it is a very beachy name.

So that is my list. I hope you are all having fun and now feel a little more like you are at the beach. Comment and tell me what you think. Bye for now :).

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