
Saturday, December 24, 2016


Christmas Association
Ebenezer Scrooge is the miserably character from Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. Throughout the story he is nasty and mean and everything that being in the Christmas spirit is not making people having a bad association with the name. Towards the end of the story he turns around and is a good character.

As A Name
Ebenezer means stone of help in Hebrew. Eben would make a great nickname for it and gives it a softer feel. Only 49 babies were given the name in 2015, which I am not surprised about. I feel like people see this as an old man name still. Ebenezer also has a biblical connection. It is the place where a stone was set up by Samuel to mark his victory over the Phillistienes. So you get both the Christmas connection and a biblical connection in one name!

Do you think Ebenezer is a usable name? 

Friday, December 23, 2016


Christmas Association
In the story of Jesus birth many people come to visit him. Some of them were shepherd who had been in the fields with there sheep when an angel came to them to tell them about Jesus being born. After visiting and seeing Jesus, the shepherds then went out and spread the word of his birth. They are a major part of the Christmas story that can be overlooked at times.

As A Name
Shepherd is an English surname meaning sheepherder. It is seen more as a surname but I am noticing more and more people liking surnames as first names. I have had this name in my top 10 favorite names for so long now. I adore the nickname Shep and the calming feeling of sheep that are associated with the name. In 2015 an almost shocking number of baby boys were given the name, 173!


Thursday, December 22, 2016


Christmas Association
Snow is a great name for a baby born in winter and since the season of Christmas is normally in winter it would make a great name for a Christmas baby as well. It wouldn't be a Christmas movie if it didn't snow for at least part of the movie. Plus, Santa lives in the North Pole where it snows all the time.

As A Name
Snow as a name is not very common at all. In 2015, it was given to 59 baby girls and less than 5 baby boys. Originally I would pictured Snow as a girl name but I am a new Game of Thrones fan and now associate the name Snow with Jon Snow. I feel like Snow makes a nice, fresh nature name that is over looked. We use the name Rain/Reign and have for years so it wouldn't be absurd to use Snow.

What gender do you prefer Snow on, a boy or a girl?


Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Christmas Association
Pine trees are trees used as Christmas trees. They have such a beautiful smell to them that fills up the whole house. There are three types of pine trees used for the Christmas season, White pine, Scotch pine, and Virginia pine. All three have the traditional evergreen look to them.

As A Name
Like the name Frost from yesterday I think Pine would make a great middle name. I am in love with how to sounds with so many names, Oliver Pine, Rafferty Pine, Harrison Pine, Jacob Pine. People are using Juniper, Oak, and Elm so why not Pine as a first name. Less than 5 baby boys were given the name Pine in 2015.

Which do you like better: Pine or Elm? 


Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Christmas Association
Jack Frost is a fictional character associated with winter and the season of Christmas. You can find him in movies like The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Clause, Frosty’s Winter Wonderland and even a movie baring the name Jack Frost. Frost also has a great association with Frosty the Snowman.

I know that it’s no rare for it to snow on Christmas but it was once a given to have a beautiful snowfall on Christmas morning. If it doesn’t snow it is most likely cold and wintery.

As A Name
Frost is an English surname that means white-haired and born in a cold spell. It would ne perfect for a baby born during a snowstorm. I am starting to notice more and more people liking Frost. I feel it would be a great middle name with its one syllable and cool, icy vibe. In 2015, only 8 boys were given the name!


Monday, December 19, 2016


Christmas Association
Eve is associated with Christmas in one of the most obvious ways. It's because of Christmas Eve. This name is perfect if you are looking for a name that is associated with the more religious side of Christmas. It is the night that Mary and Joseph were traveling trying to find a place to stay. It is the night before Jesus was born.

As A Name

Eve is the oldest name in the Bible and has a very simplistic feel to it. It is a Hebrew name meaning life. Ava is a popular name that I can imagine parents liking but not liking the popularity of it and I feel like Eve would be a nice alternative to it.

Do you prefer Eve or Eva?
