
Friday, August 3, 2012

Feature Friday: Sophie

Hey Guys! I have the very first Feature Friday! I know some of you have been waiting for this to come out for a little over a week now. I had so much fun doing this interview and can't wait until I can do the next one. The first person, who was picked at random, to be the Feature Friday Person was Sophie! Most of you may know her as her formspring name, nelljoanna. She also has a blog called S is for Sophie ( and a listography ( I am telling all of you to go check them out. So let's get on with the interview.

Me: So the first question I have for you is, How did you get into baby names?
Sophie: I got into baby names about three years ago. My sister had asked what the meaning of her name was, so I looked it up on a baby naming website. I soon became addicted to the meanings of names. The obsession expanded after I found videos, blogs, and formspring. I started to become more interested in baby naming as a whole.

Me: Wow it’s amazing how one little thing can become something so big. Next question, How old were you when you first started liking baby names?
Sophie: I have always liked baby names, but it became a full-blown obsession when I was about twelve.

Me: What are your current favorite baby names?
Sophie: My favorite names are Nell, Tait, and Pimm for girls, and Todd, Warren, and Walter for boys.

Me: I like them, especially Nell. If you remember, what were your first favorite baby names?
Sophie: Thanks! When I was really little (like four and five) my favorite names were Bonnie and Victoria. I'm not a big fan of Victoria now. When I was twelve they were Poppy, Francesca, Stella, Nell, and Bodie for a boy.

Me: Why did you decide to join formspring and start blogging?
Sophie: I joined formspring to talk to people about baby names, my family can't stand it, so it is nice to have a place to talk about them. I started blogging so I could have a place to share all my lists and ideas about names. 

Me: Formspring is a great place to talk about baby names. What has been the most fun about blogging and formspring?
Sophie: The most fun thing is being able to connect with other people with my interests and being able to share my opinions.

Me: It is fun. What has been your favorite blog post and formspring question (rename, collages, give me this or that, etc.) you have done?
Sophie: My favorite blog post was definitely "if I could name 100 girls" I love the rename questions and I love giving people suggestions based on names they like.

Me: I really liked that post. I am thinking of doing one like it. Are you working on any blog post or listography list right now?
Sophie: Thanks! Yes I am working on a blog post about names inspired by fashion trends. It should be up later this week.

Me: That sounds cool! I would love to read it.  What do you love about baby names?
Sophie: I love the variety and all the statistics.

Me: I've never really thought of baby names that way. What types of baby names to do like (ex. Trendy, vintage, etc.)?
Sophie: My style for girls is quirky and vintage. Boys are less quirky, but still vintage.

Me: Nice style! When did you tell your friends and family about your love to baby names?
Sophie: I told them three years ago, when I was twelve.

Me:  I've never told my family or friends. How did/do your family and friends react to your love for baby names?
Sophie: Really, wow?! They are definitely accepting, but it is always awkward to tell people for the first time. They do sometimes get annoyed with me though, I like to know people's opinions on my favorite names.

Me: Yeah, On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your love/addiction/obsession for baby names?
Sophie: An eight. I love them, but they are not the only thing I talk about.

Me: What is the reason behind your formspring and blog name?
Sophie: My formspring name is nelljoanna- my favorite combo. My blog name- S My Name is Sophie... is based on that road trip name game.

Me: I like how you came up with those names. Do you have a favorite baby namer (YouTube, blog, formspring, etc.)?
Sophie: I love most of the formspringers but I am especially partial to Stevie, Rebe, Samantha, Amelia, Alena, Stephanie (Anastasiaruby), and of course you ;)

Me: Aww thanks! Do you have a #1 fan on your blog, listography or formspirng or someone who you talk to a lot because of those places?
Sophie: Not really, this is the first time I've really connected with someone outside of those places. I think it's pretty fun, and I would love to do it with more people.

Me: yeah this is fun and i like connecting with other people.  Is there anything that inspired you to make a blog, formspring and listography besides baby names (like people, ideas, etc.)?
Sophie: Basically everyone on formspring. They all had listographys and for a blog it just sounded like fun.

Me: They are fun. Where do you find your baby names at?
Sophie: I love I read their blog every day, and they have great information online. I also have all of Pamela Redmond-Satran and Linda Rosenkrantz's books. They are the founders of nameberry.

Me: I love nameberry. Do you know anyone in real life that has a formspring/youtube/blog?
Sophie: No, I am the only person I know in real life that loves names.

Me: Same here. We are down to the last 3 questions! What did you think of this interview?
Sophie: I had a lot of fun. It was nice to be able to really have a conversation with someone who loves names as much as I do.

Me: Yeah I had a ton of fun. We should do this another time. Random fact about you?
Sophie: For sure! I go to America's biggest high school that is under one roof.

Me: Wow! That would be so cool! Is there anything else you would like to add?
Sophie: Nope, thank you for interviewing me, I am honored that you chose me to be first. Also, I hope we can continue talking to each other. I would love to get to know the formspring community better.

Me: You are very welcome. I would love to keep talking! I had so much fun doing this interview.

So that was the interview. I had so much fun with this interview and Sophie was great to talk to. I hope you guys liked it and don't forget to check out her blog. The next person will be picked on Sunday so let me know if you would like to have a chance  if your name isn't on the list already. 

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