
Thursday, August 16, 2012

"Rare" A Girl Names

Hey guys! I am back with another series I will be doing along with the Top debuts Series. This one is going to be “rare” names according to the author of The Baby Name Wizard. I am going to be doing every letter and I will tell you the name, meaning, origin, and a brother and sister name to each name. They give a list of brother and sister names so I am just going to give you one that I liked. I got this idea from Romayne. Her channel is on youtube. She did a series on the best baby names according the authors of The Baby Name Bible. Since there are a lot of names I will do the rare A girl names in one post and then the rare A boy names in another, etc. So let’s get started.

  1. Adair- Adair’s sister would be Greer and her brother would be Forbes. Adair means oak tree ford in Irish. I love the name Adair. I have only seen one little girl named Adair. To me it is a cute and spunky name.
  2. Adela- Adela’s sister would be Flora and her brother would be Jules. Adela means noble in German. Adela is such a beautiful name. It reminds me of French people.
  3. Adina- Adina’s sister would be Melia and her brother would be Aric. Adina means dainty, slender, delicate in Hebrew. Adina is such a pretty name. I like how short and sweet it is.
  4. Aeron- Aeron’s sister would be Echo and her brother would be Orion. Aeron means goddess of war in Welsh. I’m not so sure how much I like this name.
  5. Afton- Afton’s sister would be Larkin and her brother would be London. Afton is a place name: town in southern Scotland. It is of English origin. This is nice but it doesn’t sound feminine enough to me.
  6. Agatha- Agatha’s sister would be Philomena and her brother would be Rupert. Agatha means good in Greek. I like Agatha and think it is ready for a come back.
  7. Agnes- Agnes’s sister would be Gladys and her brother would be Wilbur. Agnes means pure, virginal in Greek. I think Agnes sounds very old. I really don’t like it.
  8. Aida- Aida’s sister would be Luz and her brother would be Regis. Aida means reward, present in Arabic. I like this name and the meaning is great.
  9. Aine- Aine’s sister would be Niamh and her brother would be Eoin. Aine means brilliance, wit in Irish. I really like it name but spelled the non-Irish spelling.
  10. Aisling- Aisling’s sister would be Tierney and her brother would be Callum. Aisling means dream in Irish. I really like this name. I think it is easy to pronounce.
  11. Alanis- Alanis’s sister would be Avril and her brother would be Holden. Alanis is a form of Alan, which means handsome, cheerful in Irish. I know a girl named Alanis and I have liked it ever since.
  12. Alethea- Alethea’s sister would be Araminta and her brother would be Auberon. Alethea means truth in Greek. I don’t really like this name although it is pretty.
  13. Allegra- Allegra’s sister would be Geneva and her brother would be Lazar. Allegra means joyous in Italian. I don’t like this name because it reminds me of the medicine.
  14. Althea- Althea’s sister would be Cecile and her brother would be Felix. Althea means with healing power in Greek. This is a pretty name but I like Athena better.
  15. Amity- Amity’s sister would be Verity and her brother would be Tobias. Amity means friendship in Latin. I never liked this name but I like it now. I think it is cute.
  16. Anita- Anita’s sister would be Roberta and her brother would be Wilson. Anita is a variant of Ann, which is a form of Hannah and Hannah means full of grace. Anita is Spanish. I like Anita but can’t picture it on a baby.
  17. Antoinette- Antoinette’s sister would be Marguerite and her brother would be Laurence. Antoinette is a form of Antoine, which means priceless one. It is French. I have fallen in love with this name. I know a girl named this.
  18. Aretha- Aretha’s sister would be Rolanda and her brother would be Wilson. Aretha means virtuous in Greek. I don’t really like this name.
  19. Ariadne- Ariadne’s sister would be Beatrix and her brother would be Leander. Ariadne means most holy in Greek. I love this name!!!!
  20. Ariela- Ariela’s sister would be Melina and her brother would be Mateo. Ariela means lion of God in Hebrew. I really like Ariela but prefer the spelling Ariella.
  21. Arlene- Arlene’s sister would be Gloria and her brother would be Franklin. Arlene is a form of Arlen, which means pledge, promise. It is Irish. I really like Arlene. Arly is a cute nickname.
  22. Arly- Arly’s sister would be Romy and her brother would be Flynn. Arly is a variant of Alrene. I like Arly as a nickname but not a full name.
  23. Artemisia- Artemisia’s sister would be Alethea and her brother would be Barnabas. Artemisia means perfect in Greek. I’m not a big fan of this name.
  24. Ashby- Ashby’s sister would be Landry and her brother would be Barker. Ashby means ash tree farm in English. I love Ashby. I think it is a great alternative to Ashley or Ashlyn.
  25. Ashton- Ashton’s sister would be Payton and her brother would be Weston. Ashton means ash tree place in English. I prefer Ashton on a boy.
  26. Astrid- Astrid’s sister would be Greta and her brother would be Lars. Arid means divinely beautiful in Norse. This is an alright name.
  27. Atlanta- Atlanta’s sister would be Augusta and her brother would be Stratton.  Atlanta is a variant of Atalanta, which means secure, immovable. It is greek.
  28. Audra- Audra’s sister would be Rosanna and her brother would be Brent. Audra means noble, strength in English. I love the name Audra. It is such a cute name and it is a great alternative to Audrey.
  29. Augusta- Augusta’s sister would be Cordelia and her brother would be Leopold. Augusta means great, magnificent in Latin. I have seen this name floating around formspring a lot lately. I like it.
  30. Aurea- Aurea’s sister would be Elora and brother would Rex. Aurea means wind; golden; dawn in Latin. I have never heard this name before but it is cute.
  31. Aurelia- Aurelia’s sister would be Lavinia and her brother would be Cornelius. Aurelia means golden in Latin. I really like this name and it isn’t popular.
  32. Avis- Avis’s sister would be Esme and her brother would be Axel. Avis means bird in Latin. I don’t really like this name but I think it can grow on me.
  33. Aviva- Aviva’s sister would be Tova and her brother would be Ronen. Aviva means spring time in Hebrew. I really like this name. It is cool and spunky.
  34. Avril- Avril’s sister would be Fleur and her brother would be Magnus. Avril means to open in Latin. I don’t like this name because it makes me think of the singer.

So that is my list. I hope you like it and don’t forget to comment below. I also wanted to let you guys know that I am helping another girl out on her baby name tumblr. It has baby name typography and other baby things. I would love it if you go check it out. Here is the link Bye for now :).

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