
Monday, September 17, 2012

"Rare" C Boy Names

Hey guys! So I have the “Rare” boy C names post for you.  There are about as many boy c names as there are girl. I was thinking that I may change my mind and just continue to do the “Rare” Series instead of stopping. I have had some people tell me they like it so I am going to continue with taking a break. Anyway let’s get started.

  1. Cabot- Cabot’s sister would be Darcy and his brother would ne Prescott. Cabot means strolling player in French. Cabot is defiantly a rare name. I like it although it makes me think of streets and stones.
  2. Calder- Calder’s sister would be Piper and his brother would be Edison. Calder means stream in English. I love the name Calder. I feel like it could go with the other popular names like Parker, and Archer.
  3. Callum- Callum’s sister would be Nola and his brother would be Murphy. Callum means dove in Scottish. I love the name Callum! This is what Rebe is naming her little boy.
  4. Campbell- Campbell’s sister would be Ellery and his brother would be Archer. Campbell means crooked mouth in Scottish. I like Campbell but it does remind me of the soup and I do see it on girls more.
  5. Carlton- Carlton’s sister would be Therese and his brother would Clifton. Carlton means free peasant settlement in English. I don’t like the name Carlton. It sounds like a dork name.
  6. Carsten- Carsten’s sister would be Anja and his brother would be Gunnar. Carsten means free peasant settlement in English. I love the name Carsten although I prefer the spellings Karston and Carston.
  7. Cary- Cary’s sister would be Rita and his brother would be Monty. Cary means pure in English. I don’t like the name Cary because it sounds like a girl name.
  8. Casper- Casper’s sister would be Matilda and his brother would be Julius. Casper means treasurer in Persian. I like the name Casper but I know some people don’t like it because it reminds them of the ghost.
  9. Cassius- Cassius’s sister would be Portia and his brother would be Leander. Cassius means empty, hollow in Latin. I like the name Cassius but I can’t help get over how close it is to Cassandra and Cassidy.
  10. Cecil- Cecil’s sister would be Henrietta and his brother would be Basil. Cecil means blind, sixth in Latin. I don’t like the name Cecil because it is too girly for me.
  11. Chayton- Chayton’s sister would be Linden and his brother would be Branson. Chayton means falcon in Native American. Chayton is definitely a rare name. I had never her of the name before doing this post but I kind of really like it.
  12. Chester- Chester’s sister would be Harriet and his brother would be Webster. Chester means camp of soldiers in English. I do like Chester because it sounds old and it reminds me of the Fairly Odd Parents.
  13. Claude- Claude’s sister would be Marion and his brother would be Luther. Claude means lame in Latin. I don’t like Claude. It makes me think of cats.
  14. Clifford- Clifford’s sister would be Dorothy and his brother would be Sherman. Clifford means cliff-side ford in English. I don’t like Clifford because it makes me think of the big red dog.
  15. Clifton- Clifton’s sister would be Dorothea and his brother would be Carlton. Clifton means town by the cliff in English. I like Clifton more than Clifford but I am on the fence with how much I like it.
  16. Clint- Clint’s sister would be Holly and his brother would be Brett. Clint means fenced settlement in English. Clint is an okay name but I can’t see it on a baby.
  17. Clive- Clive’s sister would be Gemma and his brother would Piers. Clive means cliff, slope in English. I like Clive but I can’t see it on a baby.
  18. Clyde- Clyde’s sister would be Velma and his brother would be Luther. Clyde means Scottish river name in Scottish. I don’t really like Clyde.
  19. Conan- Conan’s sister would be Larkin and his brother would be Egan. Conan means hound, wolf; high in Scottish. I love the name Conan! It is so cute and I think it can age well.
  20. Cormac- Cormac’s sister would be Finola and his brother would be Gregor. Cormac means impure son. I like the name Cormac. It is so cute and the nickname Mac is a cute nickname.
  21. Cosmo- Cosmo’s sister would be Flavia and his brother would be Zenon. Cosmo means order, harmony, beauty in Italian. Cosmo makes me think of the Fairly Odd Parents too much for me to like it.
  22. Crispin- Crispin’s sister would be Larkin and his brother would be Dunstan. Crispin means curly-haired in Latin. I love the name Crispin. The only problem I have with this is there is a playground named Crispin where I live and a ton of kid sports teams with this name.
  23. Crockett- Crockett’s sister would be Bellamy and his brother would be Slater. Crockett means crook in English. I don’t like this name. It is too weird for me. (shocking I know!).

So that is the list. I think i am going to not take a break from this series (I kind of made up my mid while typing this up). I also wanted to ask if you guys had anything you would like me to do. I am willing to take whatever ideas you have and whatever you would like to see. Anyway that is really all I have. Bye for now :). 

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