
Friday, December 28, 2012

Feature Friday: Kelly

Hey guys! You all know what time it is! It’s Feature Friday time! I wasn’t able to put up a Feature Friday last week because of how busy I was but I have one for you today. This week is Kelly. I meet Kelly on formspirng. Her formspring is She also has a listography and a tumblr. I had a fun time doing this interview and it’s always nice to talk to her on formpring. So let’s get started.

Me: How did you get into baby names?
Kelly: I was a really strange child and liked to give all my stuffed animals and beanie babies names, middle names, and create families for them in which I named all their family members. Then I also started writing a lot, and created characters with interesting names. This got me looking into what names meant and it all escalated from there.

Me: Awww I loved naming my dolls and stuff animals !   How old were you when you first started liking baby names?
Kelly: :) I believe I was approximately five or six.

Me: You were young! Haha What are your current favorite baby names?
Kelly: I'm really loving Marina, Freya, Lyra, Faye and Emmeline for girls. I adore Jasper, Bennett, Bowen, Dexter and Ezra for boys at the moment.

Me: I love your names, especially Marina and Ezra. If you remember, what were your first favorite baby names?
Kelly: My first few favourites were Michelle, Mackenzie, Dreama, and Skyla for girls and Wrorry (Rory), Jackson, Brandin, Joel, and Gage for boys

Me: You liked some nice names when you were younger. Why did you decide to start making list and join formspring?
Kelly: I think I saw that there was a bit of a community forming, and I was watching Stephanie (Anastasia Ruby) on YouTube. I thought it was so interesting that there were others out there like me, and everyone was so kind and had such neat opinions. I love it.

Me: Stephanie is such a big influence in the baby name community! What has been the most fun about making list and formspring?
Kelly: Getting to know everyone, seeing various styles and names and how they influenced my own, and forming our community.

Me: I love how much our community has formed. What has been your favorite list and/or formspring question (rename, collages, etc.)  you have done?
Kelly: I love re-doing my top 10 name combo lists every few months. As for questions, I love doing the baby name games, and naming families belonging to certain houses or locales.

Me: The games and families that belong to certain houses are so fun! Are you working on any blog listography list or formspring questions/spam?
Kelly: Not at the moment!

Me: What do you love about baby names?
Kelly: Their meaning to the person choosing said name and combo, the originality, and how they sound.

Me: I love the sound of names. They really make the name. What types of baby names to do like (ex. Trendy, vintage, etc.)?
Kelly: I love classic, vintage, with a hint of quirky!

Me: Nice style. When did you tell your friends and family about your love to baby names?
Kelly: They have kind of always known.

Me: That’s good. How did/do your family and friends react to your love for baby names?
Kelly: My mom loves them as well, so she and I always chat about them. My family just thought I was odd for owning baby name books.

Me: I wish me and my mom could sit and talk about baby names! On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your love/addiction/obsession for baby names?
Kelly: 12121445345462121 Or 10.

Me: haha What is the reason behind your formspring name?
Kelly: I made it up for some account years ago and have continued to use it. It basically just represents freedom and the beauty that exists in how large our universe is.

Me: I love the meaning behind it. Do you have a favorite baby namer (YouTube, blog, formsring, etc.)?
Kelly: I love them all!

Me: I agree! Do you have a #1 fan on your listography and/or formspirng or someone who you talk to a lot because of them?
Kelly: I love everyone, I don't really have a number 1 fan!

Me: What inspired you to make a formspring and/or listography besides baby names?
Kelly: Stephanie and her YouTube videos.

Me: She is such a great inspiration! Where do you find your baby names at?
Kelly: Usually I hear them from fellow Formspringers, via word of mouth, or on blogs.

Me: I’m the same way! Do you know anyone in real life that has a formspring/youtube/blog?
Kelly: I know a couple people, yes!

Me: That’s so cool! I wish I know people! Random fact about you?
Kelly: I recently died my hair red. :)

Me: I love red hair! What did you think of this interview?
Kelly: It was wonderful! <3 span="span">

Me: I’m glad you think that! Is there anything else you would like to add?
Kelly: Ren is amazing :)

Me: awww thanks! I had so much fun doing this interview. Thanks again for doing it.

So that is the interview. I had a great time doing the interview and getting to know Kelly more. Go and check out her formspring, listpgraphy and tumblr. Thanks again Kelly for doing the interview. I hope you liked it and don’t forget to comment. Bye for now :)

Photo Credit:

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