
Friday, January 11, 2013

Feature Friday: Laura

Hey guys! I am back with the last Feature Friday! I didn’t think this day would come but it has! I may do more in the future but as of right now I have done everyone who has asked to be interview. Now back to the interview. This week is Laura! I meet Laura on formspring and it was so nice to get to interview her and get to know her more. Laura has a listography ( and a blog ( . Go check out her blog, listography, and formspring. Let’s get started.

Me: How did I get into baby names?
Laura: I've always been really interested in names. Me and one of my friends would always play "this or that" games with names if we were bored! I always love finding out what people are called and what people decide to name their children or pets and when I was younger I took naming my own dolls very seriously! Then as I got older I found I liked learning the histories and meanings too. It was awesome when I eventually found the formspring naming community!

Me: That would be so fun if my friends played this or that with me! I love hearing what people named their kids too. How old were you when you first started liking baby names?
Laura: I think I was around 5ish when I first started properly thinking up names to name my dolls and toys, but I properly started getting into names when I was about 12. That's when I first started making lists and such.

Me: 12 seems to be the common age for baby names becoming names haha. What are your current favorite baby names?
Laura: For girls my favourite names are Lily, Emme, Avia, Ella and Annabelle. For the boys, they are Jackson/Jaxon, Zachary, Isaac, Jake and Jesse.

Me: Your names are cute! I especially like Avia and Isaac. If you remember, what were your first favorite baby names?
Laura: Ooh, that's hard to remember but I recall liking Madison, Emma and Isabella when I was fairly young!

Me: haha I love Isabella when I was little! Why did you decide to start making list and join formspring?
Laura: I've always made lists of things, it helps me organise things. I first joined formspring a few years ago after I watched Stephanie (anastasiaruby) on youtube and she mentioned she had a formspring and I wanted to ask her questions!

Me: Stephanie has to be the biggest influence in the baby name community! What has been the most fun about making list and formspring?
Laura: The most fun thing about formspring is getting to know all the lovely people on there and speaking to people all over the world!

Me: I agree so much! What has been your favorite list and/or formspring question (rename, collages, etc.)  you have done?
Laura: I enjoyed when, a while ago, I asked people to send me their top names and I found pictures of how I pictured the kids to look like. It took a while but it was fun!

Me: I love those questions! Are you working on any listography list or formspring questions/spam?
Laura: Not at the moment but I do want to do some formspring name type spam soon!

Me: I would love to answer them! What do you love about baby names?
Laura: I love how they say something about the person. By hearing someone's favourite names or what they have named their kids it can give you a little bit of their personality.

Me: That is so true! What types of baby names to do like (ex. Trendy, vintage, etc.)?
Laura: I like a mix but my favourites tend to be semi popular, sometimes a little trendy, sometimes a little classic.

Me: When did you tell your friends and family about your love to baby names?
Laura: I didn't really tell them, they kinda assumed from all the "what name do you prefer..." and "what's you favourite girl/boy name?" questions I asked.

Me: haha How did/do your family and friends react to your love for baby names?
Laura: They don't really 'react', it's just something I like so they go along with it.

Me: That’s great! On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your love/addiction/obsession for baby names?
Laura: maybe, like a 7

Me: What is the reason behind your formspring name?
Laura: I'm not sure where it came from! I just used the same as my twitter name which i have had for ages!

Me:  Do you have a favorite baby namer (YouTube, blog, formspring, etc.)?
Laura: I love everyone but Stephanie kinda started it all, without her videos I doubt many of us would've found the community.

Me: That is so true! She really is an inspiration. Do you have a #1 fan on your listography and/or formspirng or someone who you talk to a lot because of them?
Laura: There's not really one person I talk to the most, I kinda just talk to everyone. Though if i had to pick one, i'd say Hope.

Me: What inspired you to make a formspring and listography besides baby names?
Laura: I think baby names was the sole reason. I wouldn't have made one without having watched Stephanie's videos and wanted to ask baby name questions!

Me: Where do you find your baby names at?
Laura: People I meet, films, tv shows, books, everywhere and anywhere really

Me: I’m the same way. Do you know anyone in real life that has a formspring/youtube/blog?
Laura: Blog- yes. formspring/youtube- not from the baby name community

Me: I wish I know someone with a blog! Random fact about you?
Laura: erm... I've jumped out a 14,000ft high plane over the Great Barrier Reef

Me: That must have been amazing!  What did you think of this interview?
Laura: I thought it was fun and a great idea! Thanks!

Me: You are very welcome! Is there anything else you would like to add?
Laura: That I am happy I have got to 'meet' all the lovely people in the formspring community! :)

Me: I am right with you! Thank you for doing the interview.

So that was the interview. I had such a great time doing the interview with Laura and getting to know her. Make sure you go and check out he formspring, listography, and blog. Thanks again Laura for doing the interview. I had a great time. I hope you liked this and don’t forget to comment. Bye for now :). 

Photo Credit:


  1. This is really very nice article. awesome conversation. i bookmarked this blog for future use. thnk you.

  2. Fun post! =D I really enjoyed these Feature Fridays =)
