
Friday, July 3, 2015

"Rare" R Girl Names

We are slowly but surely finishing this series. I really found some names on this list that I love and a few that I have featured in past or future post and videos. Can you guess any of the future topics?! I guess you'll just have to wait and see. Now on to the names. 


  • Meaning: Short form of Rachel; Ewe
  • Origin: English 
  • Siblings: Tess and Can

Rae is one of those unisex names I can see on both genders. This spelling makes it a lot more feminine though. You can find Rae most often used in the middle name spot or as a nickname. 


  • Meaning: God Heals
  • Origin: Hebrew 
  • Siblings: Mariela and Florian

Rafaela is a gorgeous Latina name. I featured it on my list of great alternatives for Gabriella and Isabella. You can spell this a few ways, Rafaella, and Raphaela. 


  • Meaning: Queen 
  • Origin: French 
  • Siblings: Eden and Gage

Raine is such pretty nature name. The E on the end makes it much more unique and rare. I personally like it spelled Rain. If you like Rain/Raine but want a longer name Lorraine works perfectly. 


  • Meaning: Wise Protector 
  • Origin: Spanish 
  • Siblings: Loretta and Barton

Ramona is such a sweet name. I think of the literary character Ramona Beauzes. The name is fit for a girly girl or a tomboy. She is one of the few names on this list that is truly rare not even ranking in the top 1000 for 2014. 


  • Meaning: Diminutive of Miranda; Admirable, Wonderful
  • Origin: English 
  • Siblings: Tasha and Dusty

Randi is a nickname that you don't hear very often on either a boy or a girl. It resembles names of the 80s. In today's world, Randi would be a nice nickname for a little girl. It follows the feel of Andi, which I've been hearing more often. 


  • Meaning: Short form of Rebecca, a snare
  • Origin: Hebrew 
  • Siblings: Rosie and Gus

Reba is a great alternative and a great way to honor a Rebecca. We all have at least one Rebecca in our lives. The only down fall to Reba is the high associated with the TV show baring the same name. 


  • Meaning: Born Again
  • Origin: Latin
  • Siblings: Daria and Carlo

Renata is a name used wide across Europe and is great for the world traveler. It came back tot he US in 2011 after being out of the charts since the early 80s. I think this is a great name and very different. I love the way it looks.


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