
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Names Meaning Five or Fifth {Cinco de Mayo}

Cinco de Mayo is coming up in a few days. It will also be my dad's birthday. In honor the this special holiday I have names that mean five or fifth. This would be perfect for someone who is having their fifth baby and want to honor that or if they are honoring the holiday.

Boy Names 
Gorou- Five, Son; Japanese 
Traditionally used for the fifth son and is a word name in Japanese. 

Pompey- Five; Roman 
It is the modern form of the Roman family name Pompeius which comes from the Sabellic word that means five. The sad part about this name was it was originally used for slaves. I really enjoy this name and the sound of it. I might actually added it to my guilty pleasure lists because I wouldn't be brave enough to use it. 

Pompeius- Latin form of Pompey 
Pompeo- Italian form of Pompeius 

Quintus- Fifth; Roman
It is traditionally given to the fifth child or a child born in the fifth month. Quintus is more popular than the other Roman numbers. A poet named Horace was born Quintus Horatius Flaccus. I was surprised to learnt hat Quintus was one of only about 20 male first names in ancient Rome. Now I would love to know what the other 19 were. 

Quintin, Quentin- Fifth; French 
I'd say that Quentin is the most used name on this list. It is a name that everyone has at least heard of once. In 1823, Sir Walter Scott wrote a novel by the name of Quentin Durward so the name has been around a really long time. 

Pontius- Fifth; Roman 
This name had Samnite roots. This is not a great biblical name from he New Testament; Pontius Pilate. 

Ponce- Fifth; Spanish 
There was a Spanish explorer named Ponce de Leon was the first governor of Puerto Rico. To our knowledge he lead the first known European expedition to Florida. 

Girl Names 
Quintia and Quintina- The Fifith; Latin 
Quintia was once used for the fifth child in a family. I like that both names can use the nickname Quinn. Quinta can also use Ti as a nickname just like Quintina can use Tina. 

Quintana- The Fifith Girl; Spanish
This is a Mexican place name that was named by Andres Eligio Quintana Roo, a Mexican political. Joan Didion for her daughter Quintana Roo and now she was not the fifth child. There is a fictional princess named Princess Quintana of Charyn int he Lumatere Chronicles bu Melina Marchetta. 

Quintella- Diminutive of Quintus (Fifith); English 
I actually featured this name on my instagram when I would it back in 2015 and forgot about it until I started to write this post. I really like to option of having the nickname Quinn or Ella. 

Unisex Names 
Enu- Fifth Born Child; Akan 
Enu is an unisex name. Although I was not able to find much information on the name I did find that there is a brand of nutrition shakes with the same name. 

Quincy- Fifith; English 
Quincy is a unisex name that is more popular for boys than girls. In 2015 the name was ranked at #599 for boys and not ranked for girls.

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