Hey Guys! I’m back with another baby name blog. But before we get to that let’s talk about my new blog! I have just spent the last 3 days making, designing and researching all to come up with this new look. I am so in love with it (I better be! It did take me 3 days!). If you are wondering what those two names are up in my header, they are my favorite names for boy and girl. I have also added and taken away a few things. I have added a new about me, that I will be adding to later and now you can follow me by email. I have also made me blog buttons scroll in the bottom of the page, so now I can add all the buttons I want. Another thing that is new is my blog button. If you have a blog and would like to add it to your stash (or you want to start one) I would love that. Some things that are missing are my name typography, and two of my little blinkies. They are not that big but if you would like them just ask. I also have a new idea that I will leave details below for. Now let’s get onto the blog post. I have the next installment of the MLB series. This time it is the Pittsburg Pirates. Let’s get started.
- Rod- This name is for Rod Barajas. He is number 26, a catcher, and 37 years old. Rod is an English name that means famous ruler. Rod is a great nickname for Roderick.
- Joel- This name is for Joel Hanrahan. He is number 52, a pitcher, and 31 years old. Joel means God will be willing in Hebrew. I have really been liking this name lately. It makes me think of Joel from Jon and Kate Plus 8 but that may have to do with the fact that I am reading their book right now.
- Clint- This name is for Clint Barmes. He is number 12, an infielder, and 33 years old. Clint means town on a hill in English. I really like Clint, although it sounds like an old man.
- Neil- This name is for Neil Walkers. He is number 18, an infielder, and 30 years old. Neil is a Scandinavian name that means champion. When I was growing up I know a guy named Neil and really liked it.
- Casey- This name is for Casey McGehee. He is number 14, an infielder, and 30 years old. Casey means vigilant in war in Irish. Had I made this blog two months ago I would have never put Casey into the boys section but 2 months ago my really close neighbors named their son Casey and I love it.
- Garrett- This name is for Garrett Jones. He is number 46, an outfielder, and 31 years old. Garrett means spear ruler in English. This name has been growing on me lately. I love the nickname Rhett too.
- Presley- This name is for Alex Presley. He is number 7, an outfielder, and 27 years old. Presley means from the priest’s field in English. I really love this name for a girl and think it is so cute.
- Sutton- This name is for Drew Sutton. He is number 17, an outfielder, and 29 years old. Sutton means from the South town in English. I LOVE, LOVE this name! It is like a guilty pleasure name for me.
- McKenry- This name is for Michael McKenry. He is number 55, a catcher, and 27 years old. I couldn’t find out any information on this name. For me Mckenry is a huge guilty pleasure name. I really like Mc names so I feel like it goes with the other names.
So that is my post. I hope you liked it. Now on to my idea. I have had this idea to interview a baby namer and feature them on my blog. The original plan was to have one once a month but then I realized that I have too many baby namer friends to do it just once a month! So now I will do feature Friday. Every Friday I will randomly pick a baby namer (someone who does videos, blogs, or a baby name lover) and ask them a series of questions and tell people to go to their blog/videos/etc. They will also get a button to leave on their blog/youtube channel/etc. that says they were featured. If you would like to be a part of that leave me a comment below and I will make that happen. I hope you will all join and tell your friends. Also let me know what you thought about this blog post. Now I am going to go watch Big Brother so bye for now :).
Photo Credit: http://blog.minitab.com/blog/the-statistics-game/the-2012-pittsburgh-pirates-odds-are-the-losing-stops-here