I had some criteria when making this list.
- When you search the name it has to say either male or female not both. I used behindthename.com for this.
- The name had to be within the top 500 of the 2014 SSA names list for the original gender. Example: The names on the boys list have to be in the top 500 for boys.
- The name can not be ranked in the top 1000 for the opposite gender. Example: The names on the girls list can not be in the top 1000 for girls in 2014.
Alan sounds so much like Allison. You can use Allie as a nickname. It's two syllables and sweet sounding.
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds named their daughter James earlier in the year. I have heard of little girls being given the name James as a middle name before. Personally I really like James on a girl.
We use Billie and Bobby on girls why can't we use Beau? It would fit perfectly on a little southern girl who lives on a farm.
I have always secretly thought Jude would work for a girl and look cute on one. If you want to give her a more proper girl name than Jude works as a nickname for Judith.
I have heard of a few namers experiencing their love for Kyle on a girl. I think it works because it is short and sweet. It begins with Ky- and there is already the girls name Kylie.
There are many girl names out there that end in -ett/-ette and I can see Rhett fitting in nicely. I picture it on a little country girl like I do Beau because there is a country singer named Thomas Rhett.
Noah is kind of a cheat because if you spell Noah without the H it is a girl name. I am letting myself get away with this one because most people don't know that, even though it is ranked at #941. Years and years ago I always thought Noah was super feminine because it ended in an A.
Jessica Simpson has a daughter named Maxwell and the world freaked out a little when she was born. I thought it was different but worked because there are Max names for girls like Maxine and Maxima. You can use Max as a nickname for both of them as well as for Maxwell.
Aidan and all of his different spelling can definitely work on a girl because it fits with the other boy names on girls. I can see some who used River on a girl picking Aidan as well. People also already use Hayden on a girl so why not use the rhyming name Aidan?
Daniel sounds so extremely close to Danielle that I can't see why it wouldn't work for a girl. You can call her Dani for both names. Danielle is the feminine form of Daniel.
When I was looking for names for this list I was came across Zoey andthought it would work on a boy. I'm not exactly sure why but it just seemed to fit.
On the girls list I had Alan so it was only fitting that I put Allison on the boy list. Because Allison ends in -son I think that it works for a boy because a ton of boy names end in son.
Caroline is such a classic name for a girl. I can see it on a boy because of the beginning sound, Car-. Use the nickname Cary and you have a nice name for a boy.
Alexis is an unisex name so I thought that Alexa would be unisex as well but it isn't surprisingly. Alex can be a nickname for Alexa making it more than usable on boys.
I picked Nicole out for this list because of the Cole part of the name and because it is the feminine form of Nicholas. You can use the nicknames Nico and Cole as well.
Rachel has been around and used for years. It is really common for a girl in the 80s to be named Rachel. The nickname Ray makes this work for a boy. It also doesn't sound very feminine.
I read a book with the main character named Harmony for a girl. Because of the book I started liking the name. I think Harmony works for a boy it isn't a very feminine name. It sounds very unisex.
Jack is a boys name already and a great nickname for Jacqueline. There are a lot of girl names that were originally used on boys and I thought Jacqueline was going to be one of those names. To my surprised it was never used on boys.
Just like Jacqueline I thought Kendra was going to be one of those girls names originally used for boys. Ken is a boy name and that's why I can see Kendra on a boy.
I was really surprised that Juniper was not a unisex name. It ends in -er, which is a naming trend among boys. It's a tree name and tree names are general unisex.
I hope this wasn't confusing to everyone. I tried to explain myself as best I could but I'm not always the best at it. If you can any questions comment below! What did you think of this list?

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