Hey guys! It’s Feature Friday time!!!! I apologize for not
having this up at 12:00 this morning. I feel really bad it is just that my life
has been more than busy this week and it will be next week. For some reason all
of my teachers have given me work, projects, and test that are all due in the
next 2 weeks. I am trying not to wait to do it all. I’m just warning you that
my post may not be every day. Anyway this week is Jessica! I become friends
with her on formspring. Her formspring is here. She also has a listography (http://www.listography.com/JessicaMariee3).
She also has a tumblr. I had so much fun doing this interview and getting to
know her more. So let’s get started.
Me: How
did you get into baby names?
Jessica: I started watching Stephanie on youtube
(anastasiaruby) and clicked on the link to her formspring and decided to make
one, then i met all you lovely people :D xx
Me: Stephanie got a lot of people
into baby names. How old were you when you first started liking baby names?
Jessica: yeah she did didnt she? haha and now shes having
her own little baby! aw, i was about 11 or 12 when i first found her videos and
made a formspring a few months after that x
Me: Yeah! It seems like she was just
talking about having a baby! What are your current favorite baby names?
Jessica: yeah! erm my top names are Arabella Sage(g) Chase
Rowan (b) Jasey Rae(g) (100 point if you understand the inspiration) &
Soren Elijah im also really loving Amias, Indigo and Gage atm :) x
Me: I love your names! I don't
understand the inspiration to Jasey Rae :(. If you remember, what were your
first favorite baby names?
Jessica: Jasey Rae is the name of a song by the band All
Time Low, and they have got me through some tough times and are just fabulous
all round!, erm i believe when i made my formspring account they were Matthew
and Chloe aha oh, how my style has changed, also i didnt ever pick out middle
names back then aha x
Me: I see! That's a great
association! My style has changed so much since I started formspring and
blogging too! Why did you decide to start making list and join formspring?
Jessica: haha thanks, yeah i think everyones has!, and erm
because everyone made it seem so much fun and they all seemed so lovely and i
wanted to be part of the gang i suppose, then everybody was asking me to
"Check out their listography" and i was a bit like what is this
magical website you speak of!? and so i made one of them too hehe x
Me: The gang is great! I'm glad you
joined. What has been the most fun about making list and formspring?
Jessica: just being able to develop my personal taste in names
and find so many new ones i suppose, but the VERY best thing is meeting
everyone, i have made some really good friends on formspring and its made me
happier :) x
Me: I agree!!!! The people are
amazing! What has been your favorite list and/or formspring question (rename,
collages, etc.) you have done?
Jessica: erm my favourite lists are deffo my top 5 because i
find them so hard to remember so its lovely to have a place to keep them haha,
and erm i love answering this or that and rename questions but i love asking
people to rename me, describe my future children and their names and making me
beautiful pictures of babies aw theyre so cute <3 p="p">

Me: I'm the same way! Without the
list I wouldn't be able to keep track of my names. Are you working on any formspring
questions/spam or listography list?
Jessica: yeah ikr! and erm not really atm because i am
really busy with schoolwork and dance, but i do try and get on every now and
then but i am always talking to margo, so if you are ever dying to know how im
doing ask her haha!
Me: haha School makes me sooo best I
can't image adding something like dance to it! What do you love about baby
Jessica: hahahah its so much fun! and do you know what? i
dont know, i have this random passion for the names of certain humans and i
have no idea why, i can only imagine its because they sound gorgeous, they look
beautiful and its something unique to them :) x
Me: I am the worst dancer out there!
haha I agree! I am always listening for names when I am out. What types of baby
names to do like (ex. Trendy, vintage, etc.)?
Jessica: aw i bet youre not! and yeah same!, erm, i quite
like common names like Jack,Ruby,Georgia, Ella, but i would never use them
because theyre so popular, erm i dont really have a taste i just like what i
like, for example i love Delilah and yet i love Skylar and Rowan for a girl
ahah but i have more girls name than i do for boys so i put Rowan on my boys
list aha x
Me: haha There are so many more girl
names out there than there are boy names and that may be why you have a longer
girl list. I have the same kind of style. When did you tell your friends and
family about your love to baby names?
Jessica: yeah ikr! and aw you have awesome taste in names
then ;) and i havent really, i spoke to my mum about some names that i
liked but i didnt say oh i am talking to people online about names aha and some
people from school found my formspring so some of them knew anyways but i didnt
really tell anyone, i just sort of talk to myself about everything! haaha x
Me: haha That's me too! Only no one
knows about my blog, formspring, or other social media sites. How did/do you
think your family and friends react to your love for baby names?
Jessica: oh really!? i dont really think they'd care to be
honest, i think they'd be like "oh okay" or "cool" haha
they wouldnt be like " WHAT IS THIS SORCERY GOING ON IN MY
HOUSHOLD!?" haha xx
Me: Yep! hahahaha! On a scale of
1-10 how would you rate your love/addiction/obsession for baby names?
Jessica: probably about a 6, i mean i love it, but its not
the most improtant thing in my life at the moment in time, but its something i
really enjoy doing and researching :) x
Me: That's not a bad number. What is
the reason behind your formspring and listography name?
Jessica: erm my formspring name is AliceDownUnder from Alice
in Wonderland and her going Down Under the ground falling down the hole
etc haha not because my name is Alice, from Australia haha, and my Listography
name JessicaaMariee3 is from my first and middle name with the last letter
repeated with my favourite number, 3, on the end :) xx
Me: I love that! Do you have a
favorite baby namer (YouTube, blog, formspring, etc.)?
Jessica: erm my favourites, i do have favourite oh no! Sorry
Youtube : Stephanie (anastasiaruby(family))
blog: noo to many good ones
formspring: Austyn! (AustynRayne) < her names are so perfect!
Youtube : Stephanie (anastasiaruby(family))
blog: noo to many good ones
formspring: Austyn! (AustynRayne) < her names are so perfect!
Me: haha They are the best! Do you
have a #1 fan on your listography and/or formspirng or someone who you talk to
a lot because of them?
Jessica: Erm i talk to Margo alot, because of formspring :)
and i talk to Austyn every now and then :) x
Me: What inspired you to make a
formspring and listography besides baby names?
Jessica: other people making them and making it look so much
fun! i wanted to talk to more people and get a wider range of knowledge of
different countries :) x
Me: Other people influence us so
much! We are down to our last 5 questions! Where do you find your baby names
Jessica: Other people influence us so much! We are down to
our last 5 questions! Where do you find your baby names at?
Me: I am the same way! Do you know
anyone in real life that has a formspring/youtube/blog?
Jessica: nope, unfortunately, i would love to meet a few in
the future though!
Me: So would I! We are down to the last
3 questions! Random fact about you?
Jessica: erm i always have cold feet so i always have socks
on, even in summer! :) xx
Me: haha What did you think of this
Jessica: soooooooooooooo much fun, id love to do it again!
aahah xxx
Me: I'm glad you had fun! I had so
much fun too! Is there anything else you would like to add?
Jessica: erm just that my formspring and tumblr is always
open, and my ask is JessicaaStanleyy if anyone wants to chat, thank you so much
Ren it was a fab experience! Xxx
Me: Go follow her! Thanks for doing
the interview!
So that is the interview. I had so much fun doing the
interview. Go and follow Jessica on formspring and ask her questions. She is a
great person. I hope you liked this and don’t forget to comment. Bye for now
Photo Credit: http://www.formspring.me/AliceDownUnder
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