Saturday, August 26, 2017
Name Game Quiz
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Solar Eclipse Babies
I hope everyone is having a great week! You may have noticed that there were no posts Friday or Monday like usual. I got called into work Wednesday-Saturday last week unexpectly so I had no time to write any posts. And on Monday I came down to the beach and will be here until Thursday and then work Friday. Needless to say posts won't resume to their normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule until most likely the week of September 4th.
I wanted to jump on while I wait in line for the shower to wash all the sand off in time for dinner. This post is coming to you from the lovely iPhone. While I sat on the beach today I browsed google reading articles about babies born during yesterday's solar eclipse. There were some great names in the list with the most popular and talked about baby Eclipse Alizabeth. Her mom (also named something cool: Freedom!) told reports the baby was due to be named Violet but when she was born early during the Eclipse they changed it.
Just like baby Eclipse, the parents of Isabella Soleil took the opportunity to name their daughter after the world event. Isabella Soleil was originally meant to be named Isabella Sophia but her parents picked Soleil, the French word for Sun, because of her birth.
In Florida, Charlotte Roel was born at the exact peak of the eclipse. Sweet little Lena Ray was born in Kansas City yesterday and I'm wondering if Ray was always going to be her middle name or if her parents picked it because of the day.
While most of the babies I read about were little girls there were two boys named David born yesterday. David Obidiah Clark from Oregon and David John from South Carolina.
I am sure there are other babies and their names I missed while browsing. I'll keep looking for more names in the news and may update here. I hope there are little to no spelling mistakes. Blogging on an iPhone is pretty difficult to say the less.
Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Penny: The Nickname
When you hear the name Penny I am sure you think of Penelope. This beautiful name is one of my favorites. I often suggest Penelope as a middle name.
Aspen covers a few naming themes. Its a nature name, place name, and unisex name. The leaves of the Aspen tree are heart shaped and so pretty.
Penrose is an unisex name but with the rose ending I lean more towards the name on a girl. Its an ancient place name from Cornwall, Wales, and the Welsh border of England. Penny and rosie would make great nicknames.
If you are looking for a unique yet familiar sounding name than Penna is the way to go. It sounds very just like Jenna or any of the other Enna names out there. The name hasn't caught on int he United States yet.
Remington, Arlington, and Kensington are all great and unusual names for both girls and boys. Pennington goes so nicely with the name. They are grand names but can be made more familiar with nicknames like Penny.
Persephone would make a great alternative or honor name to Stephanie. They bout have similar sounds yet one is well used and the other is unique among unique. Penny may be a long shot of a nickname but I think it gives it a more common feel.
You will notice that there are a feel unisex names on this list. Spencer is currently not ranked not he top 1000 for girls making it an unique yet familiar name. Penny gives the name a little bit of spunk.
You are probably thinking why would anyone name their daughter Independence?! Well I think the name is so unique that it is cool. There are also many nickname options like Penny, Indie, and India. Its a great name to use to show your American pride.
Penka is a feminine form of Peter making this a great honor name. Its unique but easy to say. I really enjoy the look of this name and how it seems to be made up but in reality it isn't.
There are so many names out there that mean pearl and I always get excite to find new ones. Pearls are beautiful gemstones and are the birthstone of June. Penina is pronounced pen-EE-nah making me think of Nina.
Peninnah is a biblical name from the Old Testament. I know that a lot of people don't think that there are a lot of girl names in the bible but I am always surprised to find more and more. I think Peninnah is a nice unique name that reminds me a lot of names like Hannah and Savannah.
Now I am sure you are wondering why Millicent and the next 3 names are on the list of nicknames for Penny. The penny is worth one cent and Millicent has the cent ending hence the nickname Penny. Whenever I hear about the name Millicent I hear a lot of talk about it being an old lady name but I feel like with Penny as a nickname more people could see the appeal in the name.
If you are looking to honor a Vincent in your life I think Vincentia is a way to go. You have so many nickname options as well besides Penny, like Vinny, Tia, and Via.
Like Vincentia, Vincentine makes a great Vincent honoring name. It a great French name and French names always sound like Princess names.
Jacenta is a variant spelling of Jacinta, a beautiful name that is a variant of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus comes from the name of the hyacinth flower. There's a lot of beautiful history behind this name.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017
Name the Class! {Monthly Name Game}
- Lopez: Rosamund, Maeve, Julie, Naomi, Robin
- Jones: Erica, Ophelia, Audrey, Mae, Catherine
- Wilcox: Harrison, Maxwell, Oliver, Dean, Eli
- Brown: Asher, Jack, Tobias, Adam, Harry
- Robinson: Eloise, Adelaide, Stella, Zoe, Alice
- Hofman: George, Jacob, Isaac, Ryker, Callahan
- Garcia: Emma, Phoebe, Iris, Evangeline, Jane
- Pratt: Ezra, Francis, Arlo, Theodore, Archie
- Ramsey: Annabelle, Delilah, Charlotte, Faith, Sophia
- Downs: Nathaniel, Roman, Seth, Grayson, Peter
- Newton: Chloe, Rita, Juliet, Sienna, Poppy
- McDermott: Leo, Bennett, Gabriel, Jordan, Fletcher
- Cummings: Celeste, Elizabeth, Ashley, Francesca, Plum
- Nazario: Jackson, Blake, West, August, Knox
- Hall: Willa, Aurora, Mia, Sadie, Lydia
- O'Donnell: Julian, Atticus, Cove, Gregory, William
- Fitzgerald: Aria, Maren, Jolie, Veda, Isabelle
- Rowe: Wyatt, Samuel, John, Cooper, Graham
- Porter: Brielle, Nova, Isla, Kinsley, Sage
- Brady: Marshall, Otto, Liam, Aiden, Nolan
- Rosamund Julie Lopez
- Audrey Mae Jones
- Harrison Dean Wilcox
- Tobias Harry Brown
- Adelaide Zoe Robinson
- Callahan George Hofman
- Evangeline Iris Garcia
- Arlo Theodroe Pratt
- Delilah Faith Ramsey
- Grayson Peter Downs
- Poppy Juliet Newton
- Bennett Fletcher McDermott
- Francesca Plum Cummings
- Knox August Nazario
- Sadie Willa Hall
- Atticus Cove O'Donnell
- Maren Jolie Fitzgerald
- Wyatt Graham Rowe
- Isla Brielle Porter
- Marshall Liam Brady
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Rapunzel and Flynn Rider's Children
Who loves Disney raise their hand?! I know my hand is raised that's for sure! So many bloggers feature Disney names on their blogs. There is even a name blog dedicated to just Disney names. I can't say I haven't shared my own Disney inspired names on the blog before (links at the end of these post). I'm always looking for ways to write about topics people like but with a twist. Hence, this blog series was born.
For a few years now I have had this idea floating around in my head. Part of the inspiration came from multiple artist and their depictions of Disney couples as parents. Imagine, the famous Disney couples all grown up and starting their own families. What would they name their little ones? So here I am to bring some inspiration to these dotting parents.
First up is Rapunzel and Flynn Rider (or Eugene Fitzherbert), my favorite Disney princess. She is the lost princess and every year on her birthday they release lanterns for her. Her syllable (I believe you can call it that) is a golden sun. I tell you all of that because that is how I am pulling inspiration for the names.
Flora- Flower; Latin
There is a scene where Rapunzel is seen getting her hair braided and flowers placed in it. Throughout the movie you will find flowers. It seems as if the princess loves nature. No better name than a flower one.
Lux- Light; Latin
Like I mentioned above lanterns are a huge part of the movie. There is also a song called I See The Light.
Aisling- Dream, Vision; Irish
By far my favorite song from the movie is I've Got A Dream. At the beginning of the movie Rapunzel is wondering when she will be able to live her dreams and visions that she has.
Orli- Light for Me; Hebrew
Not only is the meaning of Orli have the word light in it but the full meaning is light for me. After everything the princess has been through I think its such fitting meaning to a child.
Aurelia- Golden; Latin
Arman- Dream; Kazah
Paz- Gold; Hebrew
Orion- Bounty, Limit; Greek
Chrysanthos- Golden Flower; Greek
Monday, August 7, 2017
In 2013, the name jumped onto the top 1000 charts at #778. Since than the name has shot up to #403. More and more parents are seeing the appeal of the name. I wold not be surprised if the name shot up even more in the coming years.
From Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan told to hold the sky on his shoulders after being on the losing side of a war between the Titans and the Olympian gods. During the battle Atlas was the leader. Zeus was the reason for this and sent Atlas to the west edge of the earth. People often misunderstand Atlas holding the sky as him holding the Earth.
He is the Titan god of astronomy and navigation and is associated with the Atlas mountains in northwest Africa. Legend has it that a giant named Atlas tried to drive Perseus away from the mountains and in turn Perseus showed Medusa's head turing the mountains into stone.
Moon of Saturn
One of the interesting things I found out about the name Atlas while doing this research was that there is a moon named Atlas. The moon surrounds Saturn. It was discovered in 1980 by Richard Terrile. It was named Atlas after the god because it "holds the rings on its shoulders."
Book of Maps
Probably one of the most common associations to Atlas is a book of maps. The first book published was in 1570 by Abraham Ortelius, a Flemish cartography. Atlas used as a word for the maps dates back to 1595.

Friday, August 4, 2017
1916 Top 100 100 Years Later
Florence- #14 in 1916 I am always shocked to find out that Florence isn't in the top 1000. Its such a gorgeous, sweet name with so much to love about it. Not only is it a place name it is also a vintage beauty, famous nurse, and a band.
Viola- #59 in 1916 Its the perfect alternative to the more popular Violet. I picture a princess wearing the name.
Nellie- #61 in 1916 I love the nickname type names and they were all the rage many years ago. Nellie could fit in with Lily and Emmie.
Opal- #91 in 1916 Ruby is a popular 2 syllable gemstone name so why has Opal not caught on? Its a perfect vintage name.
Ida- #54 in 1916 Ava and Ada are popular names and Ida fits perfectly with the pair. This is definitely a name I could see rising into the top 1000 soon.
Chester- #54 in 1916 I added Chester to the list because I feel like after the sudden and sad death of Chester Bennington from Linking Park the name could gain popularity. Bowie is a name that gained more popularity after the death of David Bowie.
Sidney- #95 in 1916 Sidney is a name now popular on girls that was once more popular on boys. I feel like the boys could take over these names and Sidney is one of them.
Willard- #69 in 1916 Willard would make a great alternative to William and would fit the vintage feel that parents may want to go with.
Clarence- #24 in 1916 A 100 years ago Clarence was in the top 30 yet now a days the name is almost none existent. Its soft and sweet and I would love to meet a little Clarence.
Fred- #29 Names like Sam and Ben are in the top 1000 and Frederick is at #519 in 2016. Just Fred would fit right in.
Including the 10 names above here are the rest of the names that were in the 1916 top 100 but are not in the 2016 top 1000
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Birth Announcements {July 2017}
Soven Noelle (Girl)
Rowan Pride (Girl)
Olive Louise
Aoife Katherine Rowan
Anarika Sofia
Alice Louise
Kree Giselle Everly
Lucy Beatrice
Finley Jones
Caston Drew