French, French, French
Manon is the French variant of Marie, which is in the same family as Mary. True to her origin, Manon ranked #5 in France in 2015 as well as #26 in Belgium.
The French film Manon of the Spring from the 1980s is about a young girl who works as a shepherd in the countryside of France. She goes on to plot revenge on men who were greedy over her father's land a few years back and caused his death. I have not seen the movie but it does seem very interesting.
Before the film there was a novel called Manon Lescaut written by Abbe Prevost in 1731. It takes place in France and Louisiana and get this one of the main characters is called Manon! Manon's lover disappoints his father and runs away with her. The novel would go on to infuse many other movies and TV shows and even a few Operas.
Christmas Association
Manon is the last name of Namemas sadly but I can't go without saying why I pricked this lovely name. Manon is in honor of the mother of Jesus, Mary. If you are a fan of catholic and religious names you have to check out Kate at Sancta Nomina. I have seen Manon featured over there a few times.

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