
Sunday, December 24, 2017


Happy Christmas Eve! Today is the last day of Namemas, sadly, and I can't believe it is over already! If you guys don't hear from me tomorrow I hope you have a great holiday.

French, French, French 
Manon is the French variant of Marie, which is in the same family as Mary. True to her origin, Manon ranked #5 in France in 2015 as well as #26 in Belgium.

The French film Manon of the Spring from the 1980s is about a young girl who works as a shepherd in the countryside of France. She goes on to plot revenge on men who were greedy over her father's land a few years back and caused his death. I have not seen the movie but it does seem very interesting.

Before the film there was a novel called Manon Lescaut written by Abbe Prevost in 1731. It takes place in France and Louisiana and get this one of the main characters is called Manon! Manon's lover disappoints his father and runs away with her. The novel would go on to infuse many other movies and TV shows and even a few Operas.

Christmas Association 
Manon is the last name of Namemas sadly but I can't go without saying why I pricked this lovely name. Manon is in honor of the mother of Jesus, Mary. If you are a fan of catholic and religious names you have to check out Kate at Sancta Nomina. I have seen Manon featured over there a few times.

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Saturday, December 23, 2017


Occupation and Musical
I started Namemas with an occupational name and I am ending the boys names with an occupational name. Just like Decker, Drummer is on trend with top 100 occupational names like Carter, Sawyer, and Hunter but still hasn't caught on. In October, Julia Stiles had a son named Strummer and although the name isn't much more popular than Drummer it has still been given to more than 5 boys within the last 5 years.

Musical names, like Harmony and Lyric, pop up here and there but you don't hear about Drummer. Its the perfect name for a rock fan or someone who loves to play the percussion instrument. Besides being in a band you could find little boys playing drums on the battlefields bringing an image of bravery and innocence.

Blog Baby
The one known bearer of the name Drummer, as a first name, is the son of blogger Katy from No Big Dill. Back in 2011 little Drummer Zion was born and welcomed by 5 big sisters also with great names. Their names? Olive, Clover, Azure, Pearl, and Divine!

Christmas Association
The Little Drummer Boy was originally known as Carol of the Drum when it was written back in 1941 by Katherine Kennicott Davis. It took 10 years to be recorded for the first time by the Trapp family Singers.

The lyrics in the song talk about a little boy who is summoned by the Three Wise Men to Jesus birth. Because the boy was poor and had no gifts to give he played the drum for Mary. In the original story of Jesus' birth in the gospel there is no little drummer boy.

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Friday, December 22, 2017


What do James Bond, bats, Marvel comics, and Christmas all have in common with the name Vesper? read on to find out! 

James Bond 
In 2006, the modern James Bond film, Casino Royale, came out introducing so many to the name Vesper through Eva Greene's character, Vesper Lynd. The movie was based on the book by Ian Fleming and in both the movie and book James Bond drinks a "Vesper Martini".

In the novel, the character explains that she was born on a stormy evening and that is why her parents named her Vesper. Vesper means evening star in Latin. It is also believed that Fleming based Vesper Lynd on the Polish agent Krystyna Skarbek working for Special Operations Executive.

Vesper Vivianne Ruck (2010) Daughter of Alan Ruck and Mireille Enos

  • Ruck was in Ferris Buller's Day Off

Vesper Pearl Farrar (2009) Daughter of Sam Farrar and Stephanie Eitel

  • Farrar was a band member in the band Maroon 5 and Eitel is a formal member of the band Agent Sparks
Evangeline-Vesper Lynne Bonner (2009), Daughter of Matt and Nadia Bonner
  • Matt is a retired NBA basketball player who played for the Toronto Raptors and San Antonio Spurs
Roman Mythology 
Vesper is the roman equivalent of Hesperus. He was the evening star or the planet Venus at night. He is son to the goddess of dawn, Eos, and brother to the morning star, Phosphorus. Often times Hesperus and his brother Phosphorus are confused and the names are used inner changeably because they are both personifications of the same planet.

Comics, Places, and Animals
In the Marvel world Vesper is a female mutant and she first appeared in Genetic #1. She has telepathic and technopathic abilities and can control machines and computers.

Vesper Peak is a mountain in Washington state. There are also two unincorporated communities called Vesper in Kansas and Oregon.

What do a mouse, a bird, and a bat all have in common? They all bear the name Vesper. The Vesper bat is the largest and best-known bat family out there while the Vesper sparrow is a medium sized bird.

Christmas Association
The story of the birth of Jesus there is a star, the Star of Bethlehem. In the Gospel of Matthew the three wise men follow that star to the stable Jesus was born in the bring him gifts. Vesper is a perfect way to honor the story of Jesus and the three wise men's journey to him.

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Thursday, December 21, 2017


Biblical Man 
In the Old Testament, Adino was a solider in King David's army. As an officer under his army, Adino was said to be in charge of 24,000 men. Besides being in King David's army he was also chief of the Three Mighty Warriors. During my research I found out that while being chief he was also called Jashobeam.

Christmas Association 
Adino means ornament and the reason I included the name in this years Namemas. I came across a few other names with the same meaning (Adi, Fancy, Avid) but Adino just happened to be my favorite for a number of reasons. O ending boy names are a trend I personally liked and see more and more of. Adino is short and sweet with that ending. Its easy to spell and say and looks familiar. 

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Flowers and Poetry 
Amaryllis flowers are in the same botanical family as Lilies but the name is definitely less popular. A thought I had while writing this was maybe Lily could work as a nickname for Amaryllis. The end of the name sounds very much like Lily. As fort he flower itself, it comes in many different colors but red is the one you will see around Christmas time.

Before the flower there was a heroine named Amaryllis, which is who the flower was named after. Latin poet, Virgil, wrote his poem Eclogues sometime between 33 and 44 BC. You could say the name has a little bit of history around it. 

Christmas Association 
Amaryllis is one of the names on this little countdown that has 2 Christmas associations. The first being as another Christmas flower in hand with poinsettias. The second association has to do with the name meaning, to sparkle. Like I mentioned in my post about Tindra Christmas has look of sparkly things such as lights and glittery snowflakes.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017


O ending boy names have been a trend for a few years now. It's always nice to find a new and unique name that many would not think of. You can pick from one of three great spelling, Mongo, Mongoe, and Mongow, but only one is the Christmas association.

Famous Mongo's
Mongo Santamaria is one of the most famous Mongo's out there. Sanatamaria was a Afro-Cuban Latin jazz percussionist in the 1950s all the way through to the mid 1990s. He was born Ramon and I have read that either his father or grandfather gave him the nickname Mongo after a tribe in South Africa. 

Christmas Association
Gingerbread men and houses are a popular Christmas cookies so I was curious to know if any famous fictional gingerbread men had names. The only name I came across was the giant gingerbread man from Shrek 2.

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Monday, December 18, 2017


A vintage nickname with not one but two Christmas associations. What more could be better?! 

Mitzi is a German diminutive to the name Maria which comes from Mary, much to my surprise. I tried to find more history on the name but wasn't able to find exactly what I was looking for. One thing I was able to find was full names for Mitzi. The obvious ones are Maria, Marie, and Mary but I know thats not the only ones out there. Other names that work too include Michelle, Dimitri, Carmita, Marietta and Myrtle. Personally I feel like any M name could work here. 

Starting in 1930 all the way to 1979 the name Mitzi ranked in the top 1000. It didn't get much higher than 430 in 1955. Because of the years it was most popular you can feel the vintage nickname feel it has. It fits perfectly with Dottie, Minnie, Fanny, and Birdie, all names I think need more attention. 

Christmas Association
I originally picked Mitzi for Namemas because it is the name of Rudolph's mom in the animated show by GoodTimes. Then I went and started my research and found out immediately that Mitzi is related to the name Mary and Mary is the mother of Jesus. If you have been reading along throughout the week than you might remember I featured Decker and made the association between the name and Joseph. The biblical associations are just making me so happy. 

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Sunday, December 17, 2017


I'm sure you all know the Christmas association for the name Buddy but I am featuring the name because it is rarely used for little boys in the States.

Buddy is one of those nicknames that could be used for just about any name. Some famous Buddy's were born Charles, George, and Samuel while others were born Bernard and Bartolo. Personally, I would go with a name that begins with a B for the nickname Buddy. My favorites being Boden, Baldwin, and Bartholomew. Another cute option is using Buddy for a junior or third. 

Famous Name Bearers
It seems like the name Buddy was given to a ton of musicians of all different genres. There's Buddy Holly and Buddy Wayne Knox, two rock musicians. Buddy Rich was a jazz drummer and Buddy Guy could be found singing the blues. Buddy Jewell belongs to country fans while Buddy Clark was all pop. 

The name doesn't just belong to singers and musicians. NASCAR driver Buddy DeSylva was born George Gard. My personal favorite Buddy is Cake Boss' Buddy Valastro, who was born Bartolo, and has a son with the same name. This post wouldn't be complete without me mentioning Jamie Oliver and Juliette Norton's son Buddy Bear Maurice, a name that fits perfectly with his sister's. 

In the United States, Buddy hasn't been ranked since 1988 (#940) but in England and Wales it was last ranked in 2016 (#262), the most recent year of data. The name sure does scream English man to me and you can see why. The Untied States is always behind in naming trends and takes years to catch up to England but I hope that Buddy is one of the names we adopt. 

Christmas Association 
"Buddy the Elf, What's your favorite color?" I'm sure just about everyone out there knows this line. It seems like the movie, Elf, is one of the most quoted Christmas movies, at least around me. An image of a jolly, quirky person comes to life when I hear the name Buddy and thats something I'd wish on any little boy. 

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Saturday, December 16, 2017


We are 4 days into Namemas and 9 days away from Christmas! I feel like not only is this month flying by but so is the year. Today I have a name that a fellow namer introduced to me a long, long time ago. Tinder was Alexia Mae's first name on her name instagram some years ago! And now I will always think of her when I read the name. 

Foreign Popularity 
Tindra has not caught on in the States but it has over in Sweden. The name first appeared in the 1980s   and was ranked in the top 60 in the early 2010s. In 2015 the name was ranked at #83 but dropped below the top 100 in 2016. Could the popular dating app Tinder have a hand in the falling popularity? Is Tinder popular in Sweden? After a quick google search it seems that Tinder is used in Sweden. 

The only famous Tindra I could find was a Swedish folk musician named Asa Tindra Jinder Otter and it doesn't seem like she goes by Tindra as a first name. On an unrated note there is also a folk band called Tindra in Norway composed of three women. Since it is a Norwegian band they all have cool names, Åshild, Jorun, and Irene. I had trouble finding information on these famous Tindra's because all of the information is in a different language. 

Christmas Association 
The holiday season is full of sparkles and glitter. There are always a ton of Christmas lights decorating people's lawns, windows, and trees. Not a single room in my house is safe from the lights including the bathroom. Glitter may be a nuisance every other time of the year but there is just something about having glittery snowflakes in the window or Santa with a glittery red suit sitting on a shelf that adds to the magic of the holiday. 

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Friday, December 15, 2017


Today's name is a name that is familiar to the Christmas season but definitely not a common name. 

Three Wise Men 
Melchior is one of the three wise men who visited Jesus after his birth. Out of the three names I would have to say that this one is the least used. The only name rankings I could find were from 1901 and 1916 in France. Other than that the name is virtually unheard of outside of the Christmas season. 

Famous Name Wearers
To my surprise there are quite a few famous Melchior's out there, all of which are from foreign countries such as Germany and Austria. The royal family of the Czech Republic had a Melchior in their family. He was the son of Prince Maximilian and Princess Alina Lobkowicz. In Poland there was a saint wearing the name. Painters, novelists, and even a mountaineer can be found around the world and history with this unique name. 

Pop Culture
A rock musical on Broadway called "Spring Wakening" has a main character named Melchior Gabor. The story takes place in Germany so its no surprise there that you can find the name on a character. Another fictional Melchior can be found on the anime tv show, Teen Titans as a villain. Almost the complete opposite of what the biblical Melchior is. 

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Thursday, December 14, 2017


If the sweet name Clementine can be used and loved why not the shorter, just as adorable Plum be used just as much? Personally, I adore the name so, so much.

Before you think of Christmas you probably think of the juicy fruit when you hear the name and word Plum. There are many variants of plums out there but two of the types have normal and useable names for girls, Victoria and Mirabelle. Now this many be a long shot but a little Victoria could very well go by Plum! The French word for plum is Prune, another great name, but in English the word prune is recognized as dried plums. 

Famous Name Bearers
To my surprise there is at least one person out there that goes by the name Plum and that is Plum Sykes, a British novelist. She was born Victoria and her nickname comes from, get this, the variety of plum. Other famous wearers of the name are children of celebrities with the sweet moniker in the middle spot. Moon Unit Zappa has a daughter Matilda Plum as well as blogger Miss James of Bluebird Vintage with Milla Plum.

In 1948, Crayola introduced the color plum to its crayons and you can still find the purple color in your crayon box today. I personally see the deep color hue as a fall and winter color, perfect for the colder months. The first time the word plum was used as a color was in 1805 

My favorite board game growing up was Clue. I am a huge fan of mysteries and crime and it still carries into today. Professor Plum is a character of the game introduced back in 1949 in the UK. He is depicted as an intelligent man, a characteristic that carries throughout all the different variations of the game since the beginning. 

By now you are probably all wondering how in God's name the name Plum is associated with Christmas. The Sugar Plum Fairy is a character in The Nutcracker, who is seen for a short amount of time when she welcomes the Nutcracker Prince and his love Clara to her lands. I have never seen The Nutcracker so for me the name Plum and Christmas time bring to mind the poem, Twas the Night Before Christmas
"The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 
While visions of sugar plums danced in their beads"

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Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Happy first day of Namemas! Last year I started out with the girls so this year I am starting out with he boys. Like I promised in my welcome blog post I am going t be bringing you unique and unexpected Christmas names. 

Occupational Name
In German the surname Decker means roofer, carpenter, or builder. The reason for Christmas is the birth of Jesus. Joseph, Jesus' earthly father, was a carpenter! What a discrete way to honor the religious side of the holiday. With occupation names being a trend for boys, Hunter, Sawyer, and Cooper are all in the top 100, I can see Decker catching on with time.

Name Wearers 
Rocker Nikki Sixx named his son Decker Nilsson in 1995. When it comes to Decker as a surname you can find it on NFL Titans wide receiver Eric Decker and his country singing wife, Jessie James. They also have two children, Vivianne and Eric II, with another on the way. Because of the Decker family, when I hear the name I think of southern, preppy boy. 

If you are looking for a modern and discrete name for your Christmas baby, Decker is the way to go. I chose to include Decker in Namemas because it reminds me of decking the halls and the christmas song. After doing my research I realized the name also had a religious connection like I mentioned above. Not many people are going to get the associations right away, if at all. 

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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Namemas {Vol 2}

How is it December already?! Better yet, how is Christmas right around the corner?! This year has really flown by faster than I could have ever imagined and I'm hoping I'm not the only one feeling this way. Before the year is over we have to celebrate Christmas (or Hanukkah, Kwazaa, or any other holiday you celebrate). If you were around this time last year, whether it was as a blog reader or an instagram follower/instanamer, than you may remember Namemas, a 12 day Christmas name countdown. A bunch of namers participated in this fun challenge last year and since I loved it so much I wanted to bring it back this year! Starting December 13th I will be posting a Christmas inspired name for you over here on the blog as well as featuring it on my instagram.

This year I gave myself a little challenge. First, I would not be featuring any names I talked about last year and second I am going to use names that are unique or don't necessarily scream Christmas. You don't have to follow these rules are all! I just want to challenge myself.

If anyone would like to play along feel free to! I would love to read or hear or see what names you like for Christmas. All social media platforms are welcomed and don't forget to tag your pictures, tweets, blog posts or videos #namemas2017.

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Saturday, October 14, 2017

13 Names for Friday the 13th 

Happy Friday! And happy Friday the 13th. Are any of you out there suspicious of today? I know I'm not but my dad is a huge believe in the date just like so many people out there. 

If you follow me on my name Instagram (which you all should!) then you know I have been participating in a name challenge I helped create with the dear Alexia Mae (@namesdaily). It has been such a fun and, at times, challenging month and it's not even half way over! Today's prompt was Friday the 13th. On my Instagram I have you two list, a boys and a girls, of 13 names given to 13 babies in 2016. 

I got to thinking more about today and names and I thought what names are out there that are associated with the number 13. So while I was sitting at work I was brainstorming ideas and researching during all my 5 minute breaks. 

1. Epiphany- In the Christian religion the three wise men came to visit Jesus on the 13th day of his life. It's called the Epiphany. 

2. Apollo- Apollo 13 is a NASA space mission that was an unfortunate failure. It goes perfectly with the unluckiness of the day yet has so many great connections. 

3. Ophiuchus- There are 12 known zodiac signs but here is also a 13th and that is Ophiuchus. It gained some attention in the early 2010s when they tried to change the zodiac dates. 

4. Jodie- I'm not a Doctor Who fan but I know there are a lot of doctors. The 13th doctor is Jodie Whittaker. 

5. Rhodes and Isla- Rhode Island was the 13th state of the United States and part of the original 13 colonies. 

6. Lace- The tradition wedding anniversary gift for the 13th year is lace. I love word names and this Lace is just sweet. 

7. Millard- Millard Fillmore was the 13th president of the United States. You could even use Fillmore as a name. 

8. Baker- Baker's Dozen has 13 eggs or rolls. I follow a mom on Instagram with a little girl named Baker and I just adore it. 

9. Fox- Salt Lake City has a news channel called Fox13. There was even a baby born a few years ago on Friday the 13th with he name Fox. 

10. Knight- The Knights Templar was arrested on October 13, 1307 by King Philip IV of France. They were later tortured making this a nice connection to the bad luck of Friday the 13th.

11. Judas- Jesus had 13 apostles and the 13th was Judas. He was later replaced my Matthias so there's 2 names for you! 

12. Trece- The Spanish word for 13 is Trece. It'd make a nice middle name. 

13. Coven- In Wicca, covens usually have 13 members. 

I'm getting this post out to you just a little past midnight so technically October 14th. I was just so excited about this post I had to share.  

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Birth Announcements {September 2017}

The month of September was a little crazy if you couldn't tell from the lack of blog posts this month. Even though I haven't gotten many or really any posts up in the last few weeks I still wanted to do one of my favorite monthly featured, birth announcements from my instagram!

Hugo Wolf
Hugo: Heart, Mind, Spirit; Latin
Wolf:Wolf; English 

Aidan Luca
Aidan: Fire; Irish 
Luca: From Lucania; Italian and Romanian 

Roman Allen
Roman: A Roman; Latin 
Allen: Little Rock, Handsome; English 

Siennah Glory 
Siennah: Orange-Red; English
Glory: Glory; English 

Samira Croix
Samira: Companion in Evening Walk; Arabic and Wind, Air; Sanskrit 
Croix: Cross; French 

Ashlynn Rose
Ashlynn: Ash Tree Clearing Lake; English 
Rose: Fame, Kind, Sort, Type; German 

Charlea Lyn 
Charlea: Free Man; German 
Lyn: Lake; English

Callahan Grant and Georgia Margot
Callahan: Descendent of Ceallachan; Irish 
Grant: Great, Large; English and Scottish
Georgia: Farmer, Earthworker; Latin
Margot: Short Form of Margaret (Pearl); French 

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Monday, October 2, 2017

Wells: The Nickname

W, a letter I never thought I would be obsessed with for names. Then again names that start with W or contain a W have a certain feel to them. Exotic, different, fun while still being familiar (at least most of the time). Since I try my very best to keep a variety of names on the blog a lot of the W names I adore have not been featured. Let's face it if I talked about all the names I love over here you'd be reading all about A and W names. One of the names I have not talked about much here is Wells, more specifically as a nickname. I took the time to compile a list of possible full names for Wells. 

Wellington- People Living in the Hamlet in the Cleared Area Near the Temple; English
Wellington is probably the first name that pops into your little head when some ask for a full name for Wells. I know it does for me! It's an English, posh sounding name.

Maxwell- Mack's Stream; English
The real inspiration behind this post is the name Maxwell. Well, nicknames for Maxwell. I had a follower on Instagram ask for nickname options that weren't Max. I think Wells is just a perfect option.

Rockwell- Rock Spring; English
Rockwell is perfect for the mountain, nature loving parent or the Norman Rockwell inspired illustrator.

Orwell- The Branch of the River; English
George Orwell is a famous author that many of you might think of. I am familiar with he name Orwell because one of my best friends, who is an english major, spent a lot of time reading his work.

Bramwell- Well Where the Grose Grows; English
Fun fact: Patrick Bramwell Bronte was the only brother in the Bronte family.

Hartwell- Well of Stags; English
Are there any Breaking Bad fans out there? I have not watched the show but heard it is really good. The main character is named Walter Hartwell White. How cool of a middle name?!

Howell- Eminent; Welsh
I have a little connection to this name. My freshman door was named Howell and its where I met my best friends and started my college journey.

Powell- Son of Howell; Welsh
I've really been mulling over Powell for some time now. From first grade until eight grade, I had a classmate with the last name. But I feel like there is more to the name. Once thought I came to was Powell could be a nice alternative or honoring name for a Paul.

Cromwell- Winding Stream; English
Its officially October, which means it is basically Halloween. Cromwell fits in with Halloween because it is the surname of Aggie Cromwell from Halloweentown.

Llewellyn- Lion, Welsh
There were two princes in medical Wales and is a patriotic name fro them. An animal lover could use this name without giving away their love.

Boswell- Well Near the Woods; English
There is a Saint Boswell but there is very little information on him it seems. This is one of those religious names that is not overly religious.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Birth Announcements {August 2017}

Happy September! I hope August treated you all well. Personally I am so ready for a new month and a new start with Fall just around the corner. With the beginning of a new month comes the end of another month and a post for birth announcements! Here are the sweet babies born in August of 2017.

Ethan Edward 
Finn William 
Locke Adam Munro
Chevy Jack 
Beauden Graham
Reed Alan
Copeland Grant

Rose-Alice Clemency 
Harvest Raine
Allira Joan

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Monday, September 4, 2017


In recent weeks I have slowly been working on redoing my top 5 names. One of the names that is making a debut on that list of Jameson, a sweet southern name. 

Jameson is an English surname meaning son of James. Not only is this a great way to honor a James but is a nice alternative to James if you don't want to use the more popular name. 

In 2016, Jameson was ranked at #128 and that is up from the previous years. The first time it appeared on the top 1000 charts was back in 1969 at #952. Since its debut it has been climbing put he charts. I wouldn't be surprised if it jumps into the top 100 very soon. 

Some people may shy away from the name because of the Irish whiskey brand. I feel as if that shouldn't be the stopping factor of this amazing name. The company was started in 1810 by John Jameson and his son bearing the same name. 

Pop Culture 
If you are a fan of the Netflix original, The Ranch, you may know that one of the main character's name is Jameson Bennett. Well maybe you don't because he goes by Rooster. There is also a song by Zella Day called "Jameson" that I heard a little bit of and was kind of cool!

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Name Game Quiz

I am in a name group on Facebook and recently these types of name games have been going around. Now, I know I wasn't suppose to post anything for 2 weeks but since I already made this for the group I figured I would post it here as well. Who doesn't love a name game anyway?! This type of game is past and easy. You'll also see them on my instagram as well. 

DD1 First Name:
Favorite Nicholas Sparks Movie 
-- The Notebook: Cordelia, Violet, Wilhelmina 
-- The Last Song: Ruby, Thea, Madeline 
-- Dear John: Chloe, Gracyn, Penelope
-- The Longest Ride: Florence, Lila, Ellie 

DD1 Middle Name: 
Favorite Sport to Watch 
-- Baseball: Georgia, Ada, Gray
-- Hockey: Willa, Frances, Harriet 
-- Football: Ivy, Eva, Sloane 
-- Soccer: Adelaide, Quinn, Laura 

DS1 First Name:
Your Birthday Month
-- January-March: Rhett, Arlo, Jameson
-- April-June: Leo, Ransom, Knox
-- July-September: Carson, Evander, Garrison
-- October-December: Ryan, Patrick, Bentley 

DS1 Middle Name:
Which 90s Nick show do you like most?
-- Rugrats: Judah, George, Nathan 
-- All That: Oliver, Hanson, Samuel 
-- Cat Dog: Ansel, Eugene, Flynn 
-- Doug: Sterling, Harvey, Matthew 

DD2 First Name:
What's on your feet right now?
-- Socks: Luna, Hollis, Rosalind 
-- Shoes: Arabella, Stella, Zada
-- Barefoot: Ashley, Poppy, Ramona 
-- Socks and Shoes: Mila, Salem, Daphne 

DD2 Middle Name:
Favorite Netflix Original
-- Orange is the New Black: Gemma, Pearl, Beatrice 
-- 13 Reasons Why: Piper, Faye, Natalia
-- Stranger Things: Eleanor, Summer, Briar
-- Between: Avalon, Isla, Amity 

DS2 First Name:
Relationship Status:
-- Single: Jack, Abram, Theo
-- Married: Drew, Eli, William
-- Dating: Atlas, Dean, Matteo
-- Complicated: Benjamin, Miles, Uriah 

DS2 Middle Name: 
Pick a Dessert:
-- Cake: Orion, Rowan, Isaac 
-- Ice Cream: Linus, Willoughby, Kane
-- Brownie: York, Zachary, Titus
-- Pie: Jones, Holden, Peregrine 

My Answers:
DD1: Florence Gray
DS1: Ransom Judah
DD2: Poppy Avalon
DS1: Jack Willoughby 

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse Babies

I hope everyone is having a great week! You may have noticed that there were no posts Friday or Monday like usual. I got called into work Wednesday-Saturday last week unexpectly so I had no time to write any posts. And on Monday I came down to the beach and will be here until Thursday and then work Friday. Needless to say posts won't resume to their normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule until most likely the week of September 4th.

I wanted to jump on while I wait in line for the shower to wash all the sand off in time for dinner. This post is coming to you from the lovely iPhone. While I sat on the beach today I browsed google reading articles about babies born during yesterday's solar eclipse. There were some great names in the list with the most popular and talked about baby Eclipse Alizabeth. Her mom (also named something cool: Freedom!) told reports the baby was due to be named Violet but when she was born early during the Eclipse they changed it.

Just like baby Eclipse, the parents of Isabella Soleil took the opportunity to name their daughter after the world event. Isabella Soleil was originally meant to be named Isabella Sophia but her parents picked Soleil, the French word for Sun, because of her birth.

In Florida, Charlotte Roel was born at the exact peak of the eclipse. Sweet little Lena Ray was born in Kansas City yesterday and I'm wondering if Ray was always going to be her middle name or if her parents picked it because of the day.

While most of the babies I read about were little girls there were two boys named David born yesterday. David Obidiah Clark from Oregon and David John from South Carolina.

I am sure there are other babies and their names I missed while browsing. I'll keep looking for more names in the news and may update here. I hope there are little to no spelling mistakes. Blogging on an iPhone is pretty difficult to say the less.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Penny: The Nickname

The name Penny brings about a few images when you hear it from the cooper coin to the Big Bang Theory. With Penelope being on the rise and at #34 in 2015 you can expect to see more Penny's running around. If you adore the nickname Penny but find Penelope too common there are plenty of names on this list for you.

Penelope- Weaver; Greek
When you hear the name Penny I am sure you think of Penelope. This beautiful name is one of my favorites. I often suggest Penelope as a middle name.

Aspen- Aspen Tree; English
Aspen covers a few naming themes. Its a nature name, place name, and unisex name. The leaves of the Aspen tree are heart shaped and so pretty.

Penrose- Top of the Heath; Cornish, Welsh
Penrose is an unisex name but with the rose ending I lean more towards the name on a girl. Its an ancient place name from Cornwall, Wales, and the Welsh border of England. Penny and rosie would make great nicknames.

Penna- Feather; Latin
If you are looking for a unique yet familiar sounding name than Penna is the way to go. It sounds very just like Jenna or any of the other Enna names out there. The name hasn't caught on int he United States yet.

Pennington- Pening Enclosure or Settlement Associated with a Man named Pinna; English
Remington, Arlington, and Kensington are all great and unusual names for both girls and boys. Pennington goes so nicely with the name. They are grand names but can be made more familiar with nicknames like Penny.

Persephone- To Destroy; Greek
Persephone would make a great alternative or honor name to Stephanie. They bout have similar sounds yet one is well used and the other is unique among unique. Penny may be a long shot of a nickname but I think it gives it a more common feel.

Spencer- Dispenser of Provisions; English
You will notice that there are a feel unisex names on this list. Spencer is currently not ranked not he top 1000 for girls making it an unique yet familiar name. Penny gives the name a little bit of spunk.

Independence- Freedom
You are probably thinking why would anyone name their daughter Independence?! Well I think the name is so unique that it is cool. There are also many nickname options like Penny, Indie, and India. Its a great name to use to show your American pride.

Penka- Stone; Bulgarian
Penka is a feminine form of Peter making this a great honor name. Its unique but easy to say. I really enjoy the look of this name and how it seems to be made up but in reality it isn't.

Penina- Pearl; Hebrew
There are so many names out there that mean pearl and I always get excite to find new ones. Pearls are beautiful gemstones and are the birthstone of June. Penina is pronounced pen-EE-nah making me think of Nina.

Peninnah- Precious Stone; Hebrew
Peninnah is a biblical name from the Old Testament. I know that a lot of people don't think that there are a lot of girl names in the bible but I am always surprised to find more and more. I think Peninnah is a nice unique name that reminds me a lot of names like Hannah and Savannah.

Millicent- Strong, Work; German
Now I am sure you are wondering why Millicent and the next 3 names are on the list of nicknames for Penny. The penny is worth one cent and Millicent has the cent ending hence the nickname Penny. Whenever I hear about the name Millicent I hear a lot of talk about it being an old lady name but I feel like with Penny as a nickname more people could see the appeal in the name.

Vincentia- Feminine Form of Vincent (To Conquer)
If you are looking to honor a Vincent in your life I think Vincentia is a way to go. You have so many nickname options as well besides Penny, like Vinny, Tia, and Via.

Vincentine- Variant of Vincentia; French
Like Vincentia, Vincentine makes a great Vincent honoring name. It a great French name and French names always sound like Princess names.

Jacenta- Variant of Jacinta (Hyacinth)
Jacenta is a variant spelling of Jacinta, a beautiful name that is a variant of Hyacinthus. Hyacinthus comes from the name of the hyacinth flower. There's a lot of beautiful history behind this name.

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Monday, August 14, 2017


Over the last 2 weeks I have been brainstorming girl names that I am interested in to write about for this week's name of the week. None of the other names seemed to work and they also started with either an A or a W, which are what the last 3 names of the week started with. I try to be as diverse as I can not he blog so I started to shy away from A and W names which lead us to Odette! After that long, drown out explantation lets get to the name.

Currently, as of the 2016, Odette is not ranked in the top 1000 for girls and was given to just 78 babies. There are only two years that the name is actually ranked and that is 1899 at #967 and 1905 at #843. Because Odette is a French name I went and looked at the name data for France and found that Odette is also not ranked over there and hasn't been since 1977. 

Following World War II, people started to hear and see the name because of a brave French heroine named Odette Brailly. She gave information to the Allies risking her life and was captivated by the Germans. After it was all over she wrote a book that was later turned into a film, bearing the same name Odette in 1950. Before helping the Allies she was a nurse. 

Swan Name 
In 1877, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote the play Swan Lake and named the princess ballerina Odette. The play was turned into an animated movie in 1994 called The Swan Princess, a perfect depiction for children. And the most recent remake of the popular play was the film Black Swan in 2010 staring Natalie Portman.

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